Here you will find internal information about where rooms and equipment can be booked, how to book trips and important addresses.
Book equipment and rooms
After 1 July 2022, meeting rooms and mobile video conference equipment are booked with Outlook, Outlook webmail or Apple Calendar.
Mykopat Computing Grid
The computing grid has been setup for users to be able to analyse large genetic data sets, and other analysis requiring long computing times on Linux systems.
Travel agencies in framework agreement with SLU
All business travel must be booked through SLU's procured travel agency. Information on how to book your trip is available here.
EU applications
Participant Identification Code (PIC) for EU applications: 999887350
Main accounts
- Bank transfer (bankgiro) for Swedish customers: Main account, bg: 5050-7920
- Bank transfer (bankgiro) for foreign customers: IBAN SE92 1200 0000 0128 1011 9104 DABASESX
Research / External funding assignments and grants
- Swedish funder: Main account, bg: 5050-7938
- Foreign funder: IBAN SE70 1200 0000 0128 1011 9104 DABASESX
Bank address
Danske Bank,
Norrmalmstorg 1
111 46 Stockholm