Department of Applied Animal Science and Welfare, Management, Ruminants
The Cow and calf together project at Lövsta research farm starts recruiting CCC pairs for the fifth batch in February 2022. CCC calves have a very high milk intake and growth and we have just has some preliminary data suggesting strong effects on their energy metabolism that we want to dig further into in this new batch. The thesis project will give the student advanced knowledge in physiology.
The practical work will involve collection of body weight, height, bodu condition and subcutaneous fat layer (by ultrasound). You will also work with data on plasma profiles of energy metabolies and the endocrine regulation of enery metabolism. The practical data collection will be done at Swedish Livestock Research Centre at Lövsta from February and until the summer 2022. The student will need to be at Lövsta once a week for this. It is possible to do the project on full time or part time.
You need to have prior experience in handling calves and heifers, be independent, have a driver’s licence and communicate well in written and oral English.
Are you interested? Contact Sigrid Agenäs,