Eva Johansson, Professor
Department of Plant Breeding, 040-415 562
SLU Grogrund is a competence centre within the Faculty of Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Crop Production Science (LTV) in Alnarp. SLU Grogrund is organised as a separate unit in the form of an office directly below the Dean of the LTV Faculty.
SLU Grogrund is led by programme director Eva Johansson. Researchers and others involved in the activities, which are conducted as projects of different length, will stay within their respective department or corresponding organisation. The Dean of the LTV Faculty is responsible for ensuring that the office has sufficient administrative support. Find out more about the strategy, vision and goals of SLU Grogrund in the policy document dated 19/04/2018 (in Swedish only).
Hans Ramel, LRF (chair of the steering group)
Christina Lunner Kolstrup, Dean of the LTV Faculty at SLU
Pär Ingvarsson, represents the NJ Faculty at SLU
Pär-Johan Lööf, Lantmännen
Lars Ericson, County Administrative Board of Västerbotten
Carl Jonson, Region Skåne
Mathias Samuelsson, Sveriges stärkelseproducenter
Eva Johansson, SLU
Eva Johansson, Professor
Department of Plant Breeding, 040-415 562