Light environments at Swedish dairy farms

Last changed: 04 May 2022
Close up from the right side of a cow's head. Photo.

The animal welfare act regulates several parameters in barns for dairy cows, including artificial lighting and daylight inlets. The type of light and placement of luminaries is not specified, hence it can be of great importance for production, physiological parameters, and cow activity. This project will investigate light environments on Swedish dairy farms. To improve the measurements, we have newly developed technology that measures the number of photons per wavelength and a camera that analyzes the light environment from an eye perspective. This enables us to describe the light environment in a way that has not been done before.

The degree project includes handling technical equipment, data collection in environments with dairy cows, literature review, and report writing. Suitable for students who want to visit several different types of barns and meet farmers, perfect preparation for future professional life.

The data collection will be carried out during the autumn/winter of 2022.

Interested? Please contact Sofia Lindkvist,
