Department of Applied Animal Science and Welfare, Feed Science
Maize silage, common silage crop in central Europe and America, is slowly increasing as a feed crop in Sweden due to warmer climate and more commonly occurring drought. Maize silage may represent a cheaper alternative per kg dry matter than the traditional grass-legume silage. However, it is not equivalent from a nutritional point of view due to its lower protein, higher fibre and starch contents. With the aim of evaluating the effect of the inclusion of maize silage in diets for lactating dairy cows based on locally produced concentrate feeds and by- products, a feeding experiment will be conducted at the SLU Animal Research Centre, Lövsta, from February to April 2020. The study will result in a Master project.
Please contact Horacio Gonda, Department of Animal Nutrition and Management, SLU, or Maria Åkerlind, Växa Sverige,