
Last changed: 04 July 2024

The contributors of SKANDULV since the beginning in 1999:

Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

Norwegian Environment Agency

The Swedish Research Council Formas

The Research Council of Norway

Interreg Sweden-Norway

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

Hedmark University College

Swedish Association for Hunting and Wildlife Management


Marie-Claire Cronstedts Foundation

Olle and Signhild Engkvists Foundations

Carl Tryggers Foundation

Oscar and Lili Lamms Foundation

Kolmården Foundation

Swedish Carnivore Association

Stora Enso Forestry

Borregaard Forestry

Glommen Forestry Association

NORSKOG Consulting

Nordic Forestry Association

Elverum municipality

Stor-Elvdal municipality

Trysil municipality

Våler municipality

Åmot municipality

Åsnes municipality
