Conservation biology

Last changed: 09 August 2023
Photo of a marked adult Osmoderma eremita

We develop ecological knowledge that is useful when making decisions that affect terrestrial biodiversity. We study how biodiversity is affected by land use, conservation measures and climate change.

Our research consists of field studies, analysis of environmental monitoring data and syntheses of earlier studies. We do this through ecological studies of various organism groups, such as insects, fungi, lichens, and vascular plants, as well as important ecological functions like carbon sequestration, decomposition, and pollination. We often put biodiversity in a wider perspective by linking it to ecosystem services and also considering other aspects important for land use decisions.

  • How are biodiversity and ecosystem services (carbon sequestration and recreation) affected by different forestry methods and conservation measures?
    Contact:  Joachim StrengbomThomas Ranius
  • How are insect populations and communities affected by local climate conditions and large-scale climate changes?
    Contact: Thomas Ranius, Erik Öckinger
  • To what extent can land claimed for infrastructure, such as road verges and power line corridors, contribute to increased landscape-level biodiversity?
    Contact: Erik Öckinger
  • How is the spatial distribution of habitats and characteristics of the surrounding landscape affecting how successful the conservation efforts are?
    Contact: Erik Öckinger, Thomas Ranius
  • What are the best methods to measure conservation values in forests?
    Contact: Joachim Strengbom
  • Under which conditions do ecological compensation work?
    Contact: Erik Öckinger

More information

Read more about our projects and publications at the researchers cv-pages


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