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Number of search results: 65

  • Kristin Aleklett Kadish

    Kristin Aleklett Kadish

    Non employee at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: kristin.aleklett.kadish@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 10 , Alnarp
  • Peter Anderson

    Peter Anderson

    Professor at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4640-415299
    E-mail: peter.anderson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Max Andersson

    Max Andersson

    Doctoral Student at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: max.andersson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Erik Andreasson

    Erik Andreasson

    Professor at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4640-415349
    E-mail: erik.andreasson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Murilo Araujo Sandroni

    Murilo Araujo Sandroni

    Doctoral Student MSCA at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4640-41 53 33
    E-mail: murilo.araujo.sandroni@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Paul Becher

    Paul Becher

    Senior Lecturer at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4640-415305
    E-mail: paul.becher@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Marie Bengtsson

    Marie Bengtsson

    Professor at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4640-415308
    E-mail: marie.bengtsson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Björn Bohman

    Björn Bohman

    Senior Lecturer at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: bjorn.bohman@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Maja Brus-Szkalej

    Maja Brus-Szkalej

    Research Engineer at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4640415320
    E-mail: maja.brus@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Maria Vera Jesus Da Costa

    Maria Vera Jesus Da Costa

    Non employee at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: maria.vera.jesus.da.costa@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 10 , Alnarp
  • Mengistu Dawit Bulo

    Mengistu Dawit Bulo

    Research Assistant at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4640-415228
    E-mail: mengistu.dawit@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Ivan M. De La Cruz Arguello

    Ivan M. De La Cruz Arguello

    Non employee at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: ivan.de.la.cruz.arguello@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Chiara De Pasqual

    Chiara De Pasqual

    Postdoctor at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +46709733879, +46709733879
    E-mail: chiara.de.pasqual@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Tibebe Dejene Biasazin

    Tibebe Dejene Biasazin

    Researcher at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4640-415352
    E-mail: tibebe.dejene@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Teun Dekker

    Teun Dekker

    Researcher at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4640-415306
    E-mail: teun.dekker@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Carolina Diller

    Carolina Diller

    Researcher at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +46765507533, +46765507533
    E-mail: carolina.diller@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 10 , Alnarp
  • Bradley Dotson

    Bradley Dotson

    Non employee at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: 0761858955
    E-mail: brad.dotson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Paul Egan

    Paul Egan

    Researcher at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4640-415162
    E-mail: paul.egan@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Anna Laura Erdei

    Anna Laura Erdei

    Postdoctor at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: anna.erdei@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 10 , Alnarp
  • Chaymae Fennine

    Chaymae Fennine

    Postdoctor at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: chaymae.fennine@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Mireille Ginésy

    Mireille Ginésy

    Field Assistant at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +46735465647
    E-mail: mireille.ginesy@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Laura Grenville-Briggs Didymus

    Laura Grenville-Briggs Didymus

    Professor at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4640-41 52 47
    E-mail: laura.grenville.briggs@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Sharon Hill

    Sharon Hill

    Researcher at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4640-415379, +46707-726394
    E-mail: sharon.hill@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Rickard Ignell

    Rickard Ignell

    Head of department, Professor at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4640-415311
    E-mail: rickard.ignell@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Mudassir Iqbal

    Mudassir Iqbal

    Postdoctor at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4618-672735
    E-mail: mudassir.iqbal@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Iqra Iqra

    Iqra Iqra

    Non employee at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: iqra.iqra@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Elin Isberg

    Elin Isberg

    Research Engineer at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4640-415309
    E-mail: elin.isberg@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Juliah Jacob

    Juliah Jacob

    Doctoral Student at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: juliah.jacob@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Milla Karlsson

    Milla Karlsson

    Doctoral Student at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: milla.karlsson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Kristina Karlsson Green

    Kristina Karlsson Green

    Researcher at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4640-415302
    E-mail: kristina.karlsson.green@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Rida Khalid

    Rida Khalid

    Non employee at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: rida.khalid@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Nataliia Khomutovska

    Nataliia Khomutovska

    Non employee at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: nataliia.khomutovska@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Hillary Kirwa

    Hillary Kirwa

    Doctoral Student at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: hillary.kirwa@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Esther Kuper

    Esther Kuper

    Doctoral Student at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +46728830137, +46728830137
    E-mail: esther.kuper@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Åsa Lankinen

    Åsa Lankinen

    Researcher at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4640-415367
    E-mail: asa.lankinen@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Mattias Larsson

    Mattias Larsson

    Senior Lecturer at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4640-415310, +4673-2445388
    E-mail: mattias.larsson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Marit Lenman

    Marit Lenman

    Researcher at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4640-415317, +4670-2966659
    E-mail: marit.lenman@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Linnea Lidegran

    Linnea Lidegran

    Non employee at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: linnea.lidegran@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Erland Liljeroth

    Erland Liljeroth

    Professor emeritus at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4640-415567
    E-mail: erland.liljeroth@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Matthew Lukenge

    Matthew Lukenge

    Non employee at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: matthew.lukenge@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 10 , Alnarp
  • Mohamed Mambu Luseni

    Mohamed Mambu Luseni

    Doctoral Student at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: mohamed.mambu.luseni@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Vicente Machado

    Vicente Machado

    Postdoctor at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: vicente.machado@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 10 , Alnarp
  • Salla Marttila

    Salla Marttila

    Researcher at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4640-415522
    E-mail: salla.marttila@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Rohan Menon

    Rohan Menon

    Doctoral Student at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: rohan.menon@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Sukritha Nalikkaramal

    Sukritha Nalikkaramal

    Doctoral Student at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: sukritha.nalikkaramal@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Josefine Nordlander

    Josefine Nordlander

    Doctoral Student at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: josefine.nordlander@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 10 , Alnarp
  • Nam Kieu Phuong

    Nam Kieu Phuong

    Researcher at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: nam.kieu.phuong@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Chloë Raderschall

    Chloë Raderschall

    Postdoctor at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: chloe.raderschall@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Sajeevan Radha Sivarajan

    Sajeevan Radha Sivarajan

    Researcher at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: sajeevan.radha.sivarajan@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Gaëlle Ramiaranjatovo

    Gaëlle Ramiaranjatovo

    Non employee at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: gaelle.ramiaranjatovo@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Guillermo Rehermann Del Rio

    Guillermo Rehermann Del Rio

    Postdoctor at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: guillermo.rehermann@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 10 , Alnarp
  • Svante Resjö

    Svante Resjö

    Researcher at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4640-415317
    E-mail: svante.resjo@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Dennis Ried

    Dennis Ried

    Non employee at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: dennis.ried@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Florian Rocher

    Florian Rocher

    Postdoctor at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: florian.rocher@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Axel Rösvik

    Axel Rösvik

    Non employee at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: axel.rosvik@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Fredrik Schlyter

    Fredrik Schlyter

    Professor emeritus at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4640415303
    E-mail: fredrik.schlyter@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 10 , Alnarp
  • Maria Sousa

    Maria Sousa

    Non employee at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4640-415268
    E-mail: maria.sousa@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Johan A. Stenberg

    Johan A. Stenberg

    Professor at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4640-41 53 78, +4670-6220042
    E-mail: johan.stenberg@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Linnea Stridh

    Linnea Stridh

    Non employee at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: linnea.stridh@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 10 , Alnarp
  • Jenifer Seematti Sundar

    Jenifer Seematti Sundar

    Doctoral Student MSCA leave of absence at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +91 9940177930
    E-mail: jenifer.seematti.sundar@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Kajsa Svensson

    Kajsa Svensson

    Doctoral Student at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +46737841753
    E-mail: kajsa.svensson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Växlande arbetsplatser
  • Marco Tasin

    Marco Tasin

    Non employee at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4640415320
    E-mail: marco.tasin@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Peter Witzgall

    Peter Witzgall

    Professor at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +4640-415307
    E-mail: peter.witzgall@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Huanjie Yang

    Huanjie Yang

    Postdoctor at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    E-mail: huanjie.yang@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp
  • Awais Zahid

    Awais Zahid

    Postdoctor at the Department of Plant Protection Biology

    Telephone: +46-700675058
    E-mail: muhammad.awais.zahid@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Växtskyddsbiologi, Box 190

    234 22 LOMMA
    Visiting address: Sundsvägen 16 , Alnarp