
Last changed: 05 November 2018

Camilla Widmark, Senior Researcher and Project Coordinator

A PhD in economics, specifically natural resource economic and a master in political science. Research interests are land use management, common pool resource situations, policy implementation and evaluation, policy instrument application, bio-economy, ecosystem service provision, as well as valuation.

Camilla.Widmark (at)

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, (SLU) and EFINORD, Sweden

Karin Beland Lindahl, Professor

A research focus on politics of natural resource management, particularly resource management conflicts and her publications focus on policy, governance and sustainable development in various resource management sectors. Holds a bachelor in biology.


Luleå University of Technology (LTU), Sweden 

Birger Solberg, Professor

Main interests in bioeconomic modelling, econometrics, use of forests for climate mitigation and biodiversity protection, international trade, climate change issues related to forest sustainability, and the interplay between forest economics and policy.


Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Norway

Metodi Sotirov, Senior Researcher

Research topics include sustainable and multifunctional forest management, EU biodiversity conservation policy/Natura 2000, bio-energy use, EU policies against illegal timber trade (EUTR/FLEGT) and forest certification.


Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg, Germany

Helga Pülzl, Senior Policy Scientist

A particular expertise in the fields of policy analysis that include public policy-making, policy change, governance, impact assessment, evaluation and implementation in the areas of international and European and national forest policy, and sustainable development.


University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria

Irina Prokofieva, Senior Researcher

Expertise lies in the economic assessment of environmental projects, institutional analysis, policy analysis, forest policy and economics, as well as policy instrument design and assessment.


Centre of Technologic Forestal de Catalunya (CTFC), Spain

Natalia V. Lukina, Professor

An expert in forest ecology. The scientific areas are forest soil science, biogeochemistry, forest ecosystem functions/services. Main contributor to concept on dynamics of

biogeochemical cycles in forests subject to combined effects and the development of technologies for forest biogeochemical monitoring and rehabilitation of forest lands implemented in practice.


Centre for Forest, Ecology and Productivy RAS (CEPF RAS), Russia

Vladimir N. Shanin, PhD

Contributed to the development of individual-based forest models EFIMOD, mainly in modelling of competition between trees for light and soil nutrients and in development of model extension allowing the application of EFIMOD at landscape-scale. He is known by his works on modelling of forest ecosystem dynamics.

Centre for Forest, Ecology and Productivy RAS (CEPF RAS), Russia
