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About us

Our vision: We lead in the advancement of knowledge and in the development of effective processes for the sustainable development of natural resources, are the sector's natural choice for co-operation and have a creative and inspiring working environment.


Our departement conducts Bachelor's and Master's education within SLU’s Master of forestry program. We also provide PhD courses within our subject areas. The department is also responsible for the activities at the Ljungberg's Laboratory.


Research at the department is focused on multilateral cooperation combining expertise from our many research groups. The department's research is conducted within the different subject areas as well as environmental monitoring.

Environmental Monitoring

The department conduct long-term environmental monitoring which means to follow changes in the environment’s condition, evaluate problems, and provide a basis of information.

Other responsibilities

The department also assists with expertise within statistics and GIS support.

Published: 17 June 2024 - Page editor: emma.sandstrom@slu.se

Contacts at the Department of Forest Resource Management

Head of Department: Hans Petersson, hans.petersson@slu.se, +46 (0)90-786 8501
Assistant Head of Department: Dianne Wästerlund, dianne.wasterlund@slu.se, 090-786 8450

Postal address: Department of Forest Resource Management, SE-901 83, Sweden
Visiting address: Skogsmarksgränd, SE-901 83 Umeå, Sweden

Other contacts at the department. 
