Agroecology for food security & nutrition

Last changed: 19 March 2015

How to Feed Nine Billion within the Planet’s Boundaries - Agroecology for Food Security & Nutrition

Can Agroecology provide a triple-win strategy for meeting the pressing challenges of food security, environmental degradation and climate change?

Barbara Gemmill-Herren, during her presentation on March 10th 2015, Stockholm. Picture by Ekaterina Bessonova from SIANI.

Developing effective and sustainable ways forward is of high-priority, but there is no one size fits all solution. Agroecology advocates claim to offer a holistic approach, which realizes key principles through context-specific design of strategies and techniques.

“Agroecology continues to grow, both in science and in policies. It is an approach that will help to address the challenge of ending hunger and malnutrition in all its forms, in the context of the climate change adaptation needed” says FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva.

This event allowed the participants to have a closer look at Agroecology, an emerging set of practices that seek to apply ecological concepts and principles to the design and management of sustainable food systems. The seminar brings together development actors from the Swedish government, multilateral organizations, civil society and scientific community.

Time: 2015-03-10 09:00 - 13:00

City: Stockholm

Location: Myntkabinettet. Slottsbacken 6

Arranger: SIANI Expert Group on Agriculture Transformation in Low-Income Countries


  • 12:20 – Panel Discussion: Reflections on policy implication
  • 12:55 - Final remarks and the end of the seminar

More information and registration at the event's website here...
