Future of sustainable agriculture and food systems in 2050

Last changed: 19 March 2015

A lecture with Dr Hans Herren, the Right Livelihood Award Laureate of 2013 as keynote speaker, SLU´s Campus Alnarp, 4 December 2013. Arranged by SLU Global, Partnerskap Alnarp and Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS)

Program and more information about  Dr Hans Herren.

Powerpoint presentations from the seminar:

Welcome to the Seminar, Vice dean Prof. Paul Jensén, and responsible of External Relations Alnarp

Key note speaker: Dr. Hans Herren, Biovision Foundation: Why and how changing course in agriculture and food systems

Presentation by Prof. Lennart Olsson; LUCSUS: Politics of Agroecology

Presentation by Prof. Charles Francis, University of Nebraska - Lincoln: Agroecology Education at a Crossroads: Transdisciplinarity, Holistic Perspectives, and Learning for Responsible Action
