Reports related to the theme: Scale issues in relation to food security and poverty

Last changed: 14 May 2013

How to feed nine billion within the planet’s boundaries: the need for an agroecological approach. Policy brief March, 2015

Scaling–up strategies – from Technology Transfer to Empowerment with focus on Sustainable Agricultural Production and Food Security. 28-29 August 2014. Uppsala, Sweden.

Agroecology 18-20 March 2013 Malmö, Sweden PhD Workshop Executive Summary

Nature-Society Relationships in Transition  PhD course, Portugal, 3-7 June 2012

Land Use and Climate Change, 19-23 November 2012, SLU Ultuna, Sweden PhD course

Conservation, Development and Communication in Diverse Landscapes: Theories and Methods. PhD course, 25 Feb-5 March 2013, Nicaragua. 

Gender and the Politics of Environments  Workshop Program. SLU, 25-26 February 2013.
