Our business

Last changed: 21 November 2023

A clinic with a focus on education and research.

The Ruminants clinic is part of the Department of Clinical Sciences at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and the clinic is run solely for the purpose of education and research. Thus, veterinary education is integrated into the entire operation and the cost of all treatments is subsidized. Veterinary students who have completed at least 3 years of theoretical training have exercises and participate in the work of the clinic under the supervision and guidance of licensed veterinarians and specialists.

All patients in the clinic receive daily supervision by stable staff and treatment by a veterinarian as needed. On days when there are students in the clinic, simple treatments and procedures are performed by the students. Within 2-3 weeks after completion of treatment, a brief final report of the clinic visit is sent to the referring veterinarian and the animal owner.

Close collaborations

SLU Ruminants clinic has a close collaboration within the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences with the departments of reproduction, pathology and feeding, as well as the clinical chemistry laboratory and the imaging clinic. They are all integrated into our daily activities.

Research at the Department of Clinical Sciences (KV) is conducted with a focus on production animals and we therefore also offer continuing education for referring veterinarians in the field of ruminant medicine in the form of counseling, journal club and case presentations.