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Soil biogeochemistry

Here, the focus is largely on the organic and inorganic compounds that comprise the soil phase. Specifically, the focus is on soil processes occurring in situ on the landscape, viewing soil as a functioning physical body exchanging matter and energy with its surroundings. 

A central part of this research is linked to the production and consumption of atmospheric greenhouse gases, with special emphasis on biogeochemical processes at low temperatures.

The scale at which these issues are addressed ranges from the molecular level to whole ecosystems. We are also interested in how different forest management regimes, e.g. forest fertilization, influence the exchange of carbon and greenhouse gases between ecosystems and the atmosphere.


Field work soil biogeochemistry


Soil incubation photo


Boreal Forest ditch


Climate room experiment peatland mesocosm
Mats Öquist

Mats Öquist,

Associate Professor and Laboratory Director
Department of Forest Ecology and Management, SLU
mats.oquist@slu.se, +4690-786 8525, +46(0)70-554 0361

Published: 30 June 2023 - Page editor: tejshree.tiwari@slu.se