T4F PostDoc Program

Last changed: 15 April 2024

The strategic research area “Trees for the Future” (T4F) is a national program that has been building competence around sustainable forest management since 2009. In hand with a new program plan for phase 3 from 2021-2025, we are now introducing the opportunity for new projects to be funded by the program! Read more below!

Call for applications: T4F PostDoc program

The T4F Open Post Doc program will finance 4 Post Doc positions within SLU and one within Umeå University that will target the research objectives stated in the T4F phase 3 research plan. Here, you can apply for hosting a postdoc for 2 years including 100.000 SEK in project money. The proposals will be evaluated and independently ranked by the T4F Coordinator Group Panel and final decisions on funding taken by the T4F Steering Group, according to the following criteria: Relevance of the research project for the T4F phase 3 research plan, feasibility, and generalizability. Collaborative projects across departments are encouraged. 

The T4F Coordinator Group:

Michael Gundale

Urban Nilsson

Vaughan Hurry

Nathaniel Street

Mari Suontama

Who can apply:

-Any senior researcher from any relevant department at the SLU Forest Faculty or Umeå University can apply.

-Junior researchers can only apply via a supervisor. 

-The Head of the Department must agree to the application.

- If you received money from this program for a postdoc before, you cannot apply again.

How to apply:

- Applications must be submitted electronically to the Registrator.

- Formatting requirements: maximum of 3 single spaced pages, including references, 12 pt Times New Roman font, with standard margins, as a pdf file

- Proposal should include sections: a) Purpose and Aims, b) Background, c) Methods, Experiments, and time plan, d) Relevancy for the T4F research themes, e) Citations

-Any possible conflict of interest with the T4F coordinator group members must be stated.  Conflicts of interest can include co-authorship or research proposal development during the past 5-year period with a panel member, or other types of professional or personal collaborations.

Please send your application by e-mail to anke.carius@slu.se with cc to registrator-sfak@slu.se, state registration number - SLU.sfak.2022.3.2.5-426 in the subject line. Include or forward an email from the head of department of your institution, stating their support.

Application Deadline: 28th of February 2023

Please send your application according to the instructions above.

If you have any questions please contact the program coordinator Anke Carius.