Ongoing activities Urban and peri-urban farming

Last changed: 13 May 2013

This theme started in March 2013 and an inventory of SLU research related to urban and periurban farming in low-income countries will take place.

Workhop: Urban and peri-urban farming in low-income countries 

12 February 2015 in Uppsala

Read the report from the workhop here. 

Livestock-projects that fall under this theme

Zoonoses in cattle in urban and periurban areas in Uganda, supported by specific funding from the Swedish Government (UD40) and via bilateral cooperation between SLU and Makerere University (Sida supported)

Reproductive performance in dairy cows in periurban areas of Uganda, supported by specific funding from the Swedish Government  (UD40) and via bilateral cooperation between SLU and Makerer University (Sida supported).

Zoonoses among periurban dairy and small ruminant farming in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, supported by specific funding from the Swedish Government (UD40).

Livestock in the City – benefits and risks. About pig-keeping in and around Phnom Penh, Cambodia (Sida-VR- supported)
