Check out the forest - a small exercise

Last changed: 23 January 2023

We invite you to take part in an exercise examining how a forest stay affects your mood. It also gives you the chance to fill out a Mood Survey.

If you want to try for yourself to investigate how YOU are influenced by staying in nature and at the same time see how everyone else rated in the exercise, follow the instructions below.

Here's what you do:

  1. Choose a favourite place in the forest, preferably close to where you live if possible. Choose a place you like where there is as little disturbance as possible (other people, traffic, noise, etc.).
  2. Wear clothes and shoes suitable for the weather (if anything, a bit warmer than you think necessary) and bring something to sit/recline on.
  3. Get yourself comfortable, sit down (or walk/ski slowly and deliberately) and experience the nature all around you for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  4. Fill in these forms directly relating to the activity: BEFORE (FÖRE) AND AFTER (EFTER) (in swedish, translation see below)





Here you can read more about the Mood Survey



MOOD survey translation

Hur känner du dig just nu? - How do you feel right now?

spänd - avspänd = tense – relaxed

trött - pigg = exhausted – alert

ledsen - glad = sad – happy

rastlös- lugn = restless – peaceful

irriterad - harmonisk = irritated – harmonious

mentalt splittrad - klartänkt = mentaly divided – clear-headed

Personlig kod (välj 6 bokstäver/siffror, fyll i exakt samma FÖRE och EFTER) =  Personal code (choose 6 letters/numbers, fill in exactly the same BEFORE (FÖRE) and AFTER (EFTER)

Platskod (välj 2 bokstäver/siffror, fyll i samma FÖRE och EFTER) = Place code (Choose 2 letters/numbers, the same BEFORE (FÖRE) and AFTER (EFTER)