The Nature Health Map

Last changed: 02 February 2023
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The fact that we feel good about being in nature is well understood, but in what type of nature and in what places do we feel best? The Nordic Nature Health Hub project aims to try to find out through the online Nature-based Health Map application. Stay updated on the project's work to identify health-promoting nature by telling us what you like about different nature areas.


Take a break in nature and reflect on how the location impacts your health. The Nature-based Health Map lets you record how beneficial you feel the location is to your health. In addition to registering your own locations, you can also see the reports of others. Share your favourite locations – and see other people’s favourites.

Using the reports submitted, the project can carry out analyses to find the most health-promoting nature in our landscape, a sort of citizen science.

The Nature-based Health Map also contains information to help you find your way around nature, such as paths and trails, protected nature, protection from the wind, bathing areas and other outdoor facilities.

A map will also be published shortly to find out where the most health-promoting areas can be found. The map will be updated as we get more feedback from users.

The material published on the Nature-based Health Map can be used by individuals and health and nature entrepreneurs to find health-promoting places in nature. It can also be used as a planning tool for municipalities, associations or other actors with activities in forests and on land.

This is how the Nature-based Health Map works

The Nature-based Health Map lets you take part in, and provide feedback on, how various health-promoting places in nature are perceived. By clicking on the smiley icon at the top of the map, a form opens up where you can give answers about how you feel about the nature you are in. You can also switch layers on and off and access information on paths and trails, outdoor facilities, protected nature and quiet areas.

By clicking on the information icon, you can get additional information on the layers in the map, such as the name of a nature conservation area or a path.

You do not need to sign in or download an app to use the map. The map service works in both web browsers as a mobile web application. Note: The mapping service does not work optimally in the Internet Explorer browser. Use Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Safari.

Your experiences are important

Citizen science is research carried out with the active participation of the public, i.e. not professional researchers. The Nature-based Health Map is not a research project in the strict sense; our aim, with the help of the public, is to get a better picture of what nature we feel best in and your experiences play an important role in the work. Your responses will become part of analysis of health-promoting areas that the project identifies, publishes and updates in the Nature-based Health Map.

For health and nature entrepreneurs

Are you an active entrepreneur in the field of nature and health? If so, you can use the Nature-based Health Map to get feedback from your customers about how they experienced nature during their visit to you. Please contact the manager of the Nature-based Health Map if you would like to obtain data specific to your customer group.