SLU's prioritised areas

Last changed: 11 March 2020

SLU focuses its contribution to Agenda 2030 on six areas that reflect the university’s mission and strengths. Each area is linked to several SDGs and efforts will be made to monitor our contribution to the related targets.

Climate change

Climate change fundamentally impacts all parts of society and adaptation needs to be at the core of development. SLU will further increase its efforts towards context specific solutions for increased resilience and adaptation as well as mitigation. Major challenges include transforming agriculture and food systems into resilient systems with low emissions, and balancing forestry’s role to store carbon and provide biomaterials with biodiversity conservation and resilience of local communities. Policy for SLU’s contribution to the global implementation of Agenda 2030 Priorities Policy for SLU’s global contribution to Agenda 2030

Food security

Food and nutrition security are linked to quality and diversity of agricultural production, productivity, market access and functional value chains. Reaching global food security under a changing climate requires intensification of agriculture, sustainable in all dimensions. Important aspects are inclusive livelihoods, resource use efficiency, judicious use of agricultural inputs and animal welfare. Rapid development of biotechnology, use of big data and artificial intelligence provide both opportunities and challenges in this context. Globally, changing consumption patterns, including shifting diets and new protein sources, are key drivers in food systems. Well-functioning policies and governance are central to the systems, from sustainable management of natural resources, including aquatic resources, to enabling improved livelihoods and reduction of post-harvest losses and food waste.

Circular and biobased economy

Efficient solutions for reuse of resources such as nutrients and water are fundamental for a circular economy. The transition to a biobased economy drives a rapid development of novel products and combined materials, e.g. for fiber, energy and medical use. The increasing demands for biomass require a better understanding of interlinkages and tradeoffs between production of biomaterials, fuel and food in relation to carbon sequestration and biodiversity. Questions related to land-use and tenure rights are central to these issues.

Biodiversity and ecosystems

Biodiversity, on land and in water, is lost at an alarming pace; the consequences for ecosystems and ecosystem services, critical for the existence and well-being of humans, are complex and insufficiently understood. Research and monitoring of relevant indicators are needed for development of adaptive, integrated management and restoration plans for different types of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. For domesticated species, breeding programmes can play an important role for conservation and enhancement of genetic diversity.

Global health

Urbanisation, climate change, altered livestock systems and inadequate water management are drivers for evolving health risks from zoonotic diseases, geographic expansion of disease vectors and microbiological and toxicological threats. Sustainable use of antibiotics in livestock is key to curb the global challenge of antimicrobial resistance.

Urban sustainability

The ongoing rapid urbanisation affects both urban and rural areas and the drivers, dynamics and consequences of these processes need to be better understood. Facing the consequences of climate change, such as extreme weather events and sea level rise, urban landscapes, as socio-ecological systems, prompt transdisciplinary research on the planning, design and management of urban spaces, including green infrastructure, in order to create sustainable and inclusive cities.

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