Welcome to register for Global Challenge, Global Teaching – an international teachers’ evening 19 January 2022, 16.30 CET.
Teachers already engaged in one of the Youth Institutes in the world, or interested in participating in the future, are invited to an online meeting to hear inspiring examples of different ways to work with the assignment Global Challenge in the class rooms. Invited speakers are Luke Becker from Braham High School, Minnesota USA, and Håkan Jansson from Katedralskolan, Uppsala Sweden. We also have representatives from the World Food Prize Foundation with us and students from the Netherlands and USA will share there that have experience in working with the Global Challenge and participating in Youth Institutes.
Teachers will be given the opportunity to discuss and network with each other in smaller groups and to hear from World Food Prize Foundation about their teachers’ programme. The event is free of charge and will be held online.
If you haven’t worked with the Global Challenge before yourself, please familiarise yourself with the guidelines to be found
To register, please send an e-mail to youthinstitute@slu.se
Preliminary programme
Please note that the times are in CET
16.30 Welcome
Representatives from World Food Prize Foundation
Student perspectives on the Global Challenge . Priscilla Trinh (US) and Dennis Vlegels (NL)
Luke Becker, Braham High School Minnesota USA: World Food Prize: Through 2050 and Beyond
Håkan Jansson, Katedralskolan, Uppsala Sweden: Minecraft for food safety
17.15 Group discussions
17.30 Reporting back in main group
17.40 Concluding remarks