Last changed: 17 September 2020
Fishing in the Mekong Delta. Photo.

Improved livelihood and food security in the Mekong basin.

SLU is part of a new Sida financed project called "MEKARN II" together with members from Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Eight new doctoral students have been admitted to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science at SLU during spring 2014 according to the sandwich model.

The overall objective with MEKARN II is to improve livelihood and food security of the people and environment in the lower Mekong basin through sustainable management and use of available resources.

The Swedish part of the project is managed by the Department of Animal Nutrition and Management at SLU and focus on capacity building.


PhD projects in MEKARN II:

Cricket farming – for food and feed

Alternative feed resources to marine- and fresh- water fish and giant prawn

Improved calf performance in small-scale dairy production in Southern Vietnam

Goat production in Lao PDR

Groundnut foliage as feed to Cambodian cattle


More information

Read about the finished project MEKARN I


Project coordinator:

Ewa Wredle

