Natureach Workshop 3 - A practical experience of Nature based interventions; IRL and VR
The workshop gathered both the project researchers, VR- and digital technology experts as well as staff from the client groups. The aim of the workshop was to give a practical understanding and personal experience of how different landscape settings (environments) and intervention methods can affect you under Nature Based Interventions.
All participants tried forest bathing in the beautiful Österåsen surroundings and also a complete VR-glass intervention. The VR-intervention was made with the 10 project VR-environments to choose from. These project produced environments now beeing in use in all client groups. The effect of both interventions was measured with a mood survey online in accordance with the one used at the Österåsen client group and some of the other client groups in the project (see the results from the workshop below). The interventions was followed by an interesting method discussion and comparison of both interventions and the evaluation method.
In addition, during the workshop, all project progress so far was presented and shared from all work packages and client groups.
The positive personal experiences was further enhanced by the exeptional hospitality from Österåsen lifestile medicine both with accomodation, meals and participation in their activities; like relaxation exercise, water exercice as well as an interesting guided art collection tour.
/Arr; Österåsen team, SLU
Here you find the Workshop PROGRAM
How the interventions were done and all results
Group discussion notes
Lifestyle Medicine Österåsen, Österås 306, Sollefteå, Sweden