Natureach - Project Steering Committee
Last changed: 05 March 2024
The Project Steering Committee includes representatives from the various collaborating organizations. The steering group meets approximately every six months and receives updates on the progress of the project. Project participants also attend the steering group meetings to provide information on their respective work packages. The tasks of the steering group include steering, coordinating, monitoring, and supporting the project.
The following representatives have been nominated to the NATUREACH Project Steering Committee:
- Martin Meyer (Chairperson), Vice rector, InnoLab director, University of Vaasa
- Heidi Kuusniemi (Vice Chairperson), Professor of Information technology,
Digital Economy director, University of Vaasa - Tanja Penninkangas, Director of Social Work, Professional Director of Social Work, Director of Change, Wellbeing Services County of South Ostrobothnia
- Robert Ciuchita, Assistant Professor of Marketing, Hanken School of Economics
- Petri Ihantola, Professor, Department of Education, University of Helsinki
- Helena Lindgren, Professor, Department of Computing Science, Umeå University
- Lena Lidfors, Vice dean, Professor of Ethology, Department of Animal Environment and Health, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
- Maria Jansson, Collaboration Strategist, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Luleå University of Technology
- Carina Jenslid (deputy), Project Manager, Collaboration and Innovation,
Luleå University of Technology - Robert Hollsten, Chief physician, Lifestyle Medicine Österåsen,
Region Västernorrland - Christer Yrjas, Chairperson in Grön Arena Sweden