NATUREACH - Övertorneå

Last changed: 21 March 2024

Övertorneå Municipality: Senior care services at Särkivaara-gården (Luleå University of Technology)

Övertorneå Municipality has four elderly care units. Särkivaara-gården is the largest, placed in the centre of Övertorneå with nature view from windows and nearby possibilities to visits outside in the garden. This unit is participating in the NATUREACH project. Särkivaara gården has two caring units placed on two floors. Nurses, assistant nurses, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, VR-technician, and medical doctors make up the staff at this unit. In addition, the unit has close co-operation with the healthcare centre.

Due to previous SALAR-project (2020-2022), the municipality and the units at Särkivaara gården have knowledge and experience of testing and implementing new digital devices in their organisation. This also means that the older persons living at the care units and their relatives has experiences of testing different devices. This is seen as a strength as previous experiences enhance the organizations attitude and interest of testing new innovative solutions such as in the NATUREACH project, to support health among the older people in need of care as well as among their staff. Thus, the aim of this client pilot is to promote healthy homes and sustainable living, as well as to combat loneliness of older adults living in elderly care units.

CLIENT GROUP: Older adults living in elderly care units

  • Equipment used in interventions: VR-glasses - flexible and possible to use in the e vlderly persons room, Screens in a room at the units aimed for pauses/recreation for the residents.
  • IRL visits in nearby nature and/or nature view through window.
  • Methods used in measuring the effects: Observations, discussion/reflections in groups, Personal interviews, observations, physiological measurements.
