Test fishing in coastal waters with nets and fyke nets

Last changed: 19 February 2018

National and regional monitoring of coastal fish


The Department of Coastal Research is conducting and coordinating test fishing along the entire Swedish coast.

Data from the test fishing is used within the fisheries counselling and to determine environmental status according to international directives. Another purpose is to track effects from different human activities. This is done through recipient monitoring of for example industry or nuclear power plants.

Test fishing in reference areas are performed to follow long-term trends over time in areas with low human impact. The results are presented in fact sheets (only in Swedish). Data is also used within international collaborations to study changes in a larger scale.

SLU is hosting coastal fish data on behalf of the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. We store and provide data from the coastal fish monitoring all over Sweden.

Read more about the database:
Kustdatabasen KUL


Ronny Fredriksson (data hosting)
Peter Ljungberg (database)
Anders Adill (performance and quality control) 
Martina Blass (age analys)
Jens Olsson (head of operation) 
