
Last changed: 24 April 2023

Research at Siljansfors and Jädraås Experimental Forests are primarily field-based

The research activities at Siljansfors are dominated by field trials that study:

  • Variations of pre-commercial thinning and ordinary thinning and their impact on production and quality,
  • variations of harvesting and regeneration, such as selection felling, shelterwood, and seed tree regeneration,
  • forestry with plants of different geographic origins, tree species, and genetically improved seedlings,
  • impact of forestry on ground water, for example, on runoff, water quality and groundwater level,
  • soil productivity after full tree utilization and fertilization.

Field experiments 

Siljansfors Experimental Forest is home of a large and diverse range of long-term forest-related field experiments. Here is a selection of these experiments, partly to provide examples of the different types of experiments, but also to draw attention to the long-term nature and potential of the experimental forest. Click on each experiment for a brief summary.

  • Trial 9044- Scots pine thinning experiment, established in 1923. The experiment compares the growth in a compartment that has been regularly thinned with the growth in a compartment that has been left untouched.
  • Trial 9214 - Provenance experiment in Lodgepole pine, established in 1962. The aim of the experiment is to demonstrate the most suitable provenance of Lodgepole pine for the soil and climate in Siljansfors.


Ola Langvall, Station Manager
Unit for Field-based Forest Research, SLU, +46 472 26 31 80