Asa High-yield Experimental Forest - Future research topics

Last changed: 28 January 2015

Asa high-yield experimental forest can be used to study a wide range of questions covering many research areas concerning intensive forestry. It is also perfect arena for conducting transdisciplinary studies combining research from silviculture, ecology, sociology, hydrology, biogeochemistry etc. Below we listed examples of questions that can be studied here. Do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in any of them, if you have any further questions or your own research ideas.

  • What is the risk of nutrient leakage after BAG fertilization, especially after final felling?
  • Can the increased growth compensate the costs of BAG fertilization?
  • What is the BAG fertilization’s influence on chemistry of soil and groundwater?
  • How can BAG fertilization be combined with Swedish rules of general nature conservation in forest?
  • Retains general nature conservation its functionality even in intensively managed forests?
  • What are the consequences of intense fertilization regimes on nutrient flows in the forest ecosystem?
  • How is the recreational values of forest (e.g. berry and mushroom picking) influenced by intensive forestry, for example denser and more homogenous stands and shorter rotation periods?
  • How does intensive forestry influence wild animal’s food supply?
  • Is the growth of lodgepole pine equally superior to Scots pine in southern Sweden, as it is in the north?
  • What is the production potential of genetically modified birch?

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