Data Collection within CFP

Last changed: 03 May 2023
Logo co-funding by EU

To support the management of fish stocks and ensure a sustainable fishery on theses stocks biological, economical, social and environmental data from fishery, aquaculture and to some extent the processing industry is collcted yearly.

Data Collection Framework (DCF*) is a number of EU regulations that controls the data collection work chain within the Common Fishery Policy (CFP) in EU.

DCF is co-financed by 60% from the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF).

Responsible agencies in Sweden

The responsible goverment agency for DCF in Sweden is the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (SWAM).

The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) perform a large part of the data collection and analyses, on commission from SWAM.

Planning and reporting of DCF

Member states document their plan for data collection in National programs, written every third year. Regional coordination is required and regional work programs are under delvelopment. Sweden is involved in regional coordination it the Baltic Sea and the North Sea.

A report of the results is written every year.

The National programs and Annual reports are presented at SWAM.

*)  Council regulation (EG) 199/2008; Comission regulation (EG) 665/2008; Comission decision 2010/93/EG, Council regulation (EG) 861/2006, Comission regulation (EG)1078/2008.


Maria Hansson, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Analyst
Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Marine Research, joint staff, +46104784020, +46702311523