The potential of smallholder poultry farming in transforming rural livelihoods in Rwanda

Last changed: 07 June 2024
Local farmes and poultry in Rwanda, photo.

This research project investigates how smallholder poultry farming can enhance rural household food and nutrition security and promote gender equality in Rwanda.

The main purpose of this research is to investigate how smallholder poultry farming can serve as a catalyst for improving rural livelihoods in Rwanda. Specifically, the study aims to assess the contributions of smallholder poultry farming to local food security, examine the gender dynamics shaping participation and outcomes in poultry farming, and evaluate the impact of Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) on the transformation of smallholder poultry farming and rural livelihoods. By focusing on these aspects, the research intends to uncover the potential of smallholder poultry farming to enhance food security, promote gender equality, and leverage ICT for sustainable practices.

By employing a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, this research aims to generate comprehensive information on the current status of smallholder poultry farming practices in rural areas, their contributions to food and nutrition security, the opportunities and challenges faced by smallholder poultry farmers, and provide disaggregated data on gender-specific experiences and needs. The expected results include detailed insights into how smallholder poultry farming improves food security and nutrition in rural households, significant gender disparities in participation and benefits in poultry farming, and the impact of ICT on poultry farming efficiency and productivity. These outcomes will inform policymakers on investment priorities for sustainable poultry farming, thereby contributing to rural development and poverty reduction.

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