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Staff at the Division of Agrarian History

Number of search results: 14

  • Martin Andersson

    Martin Andersson

    Researcher leave of absence at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Division of Agrarian History

    E-mail: martin.a.andersson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Inst för stad och land
    Box 7012
    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Ulls väg 27 , Externt
  • Sofia Carlfjord

    Sofia Carlfjord

    Doctoral Student at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Division of Agrarian History

    Telephone: +4618671785
    E-mail: sofia.carlfjord@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Inst för stad och land
    Box 7012
    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Ulls väg 27 , Uppsala
  • Karin Holmgren

    Karin Holmgren

    Non employee at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Division of Agrarian History

    Telephone: +46 18671258, +46 730215108
    E-mail: karin.holmgren@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Inst för stad och land
    Box 7012
    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Ulls väg 27 , Uppsala
  • Matthew Jacobson

    Matthew Jacobson

    Postdoctor at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Division of Agrarian History

    E-mail: matthew.jacobson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Inst för stad och land
    Box 7012
    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Ulls väg 27 , Uppsala
  • Kristofer Jupiter

    Kristofer Jupiter

    Researcher at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Division of Agrarian History

    Telephone: +4618672655
    E-mail: kristofer.jupiter@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Inst för stad och land
    Box 7012
    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Ulls väg 27 , Uppsala
  • Jesper Larsson

    Jesper Larsson

    Senior Lecturer at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Division of Agrarian History

    Telephone: +4618671853, +46725276213
    E-mail: jesper.larsson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Agrarhistoriska avdelningen, Box 7013

    75007 UPPSALA
    Visiting address: Johan Brauners väg 3 , Uppsala
  • Märtha Lindberg

    Märtha Lindberg

    Teaching Assistant at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Division of Agrarian History

    E-mail: martha.lindberg@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Inst för stad och land
    Box 7012
    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Ulls väg 27 , Uppsala
  • Carin Martiin

    Carin Martiin

    Visiting Research Fellow at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Division of Agrarian History

    Telephone: +4618671711
    E-mail: carin.martiin@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Inst för stad och land
    Box 7012
    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Ulls väg 27 , Uppsala
  • Janken Myrdal

    Janken Myrdal

    Professor emeritus at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Department of Urban and Rural Development, Agrarian and Rural history

    Telephone: +4618671662, +46722296477
    E-mail: janken.myrdal@slu.se

  • Eva-Lotta Päiviö Sjaunja

    Eva-Lotta Päiviö Sjaunja

    Non employee at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Division of Agrarian History

    E-mail: eva-lotta.paivio.sjaunja@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Inst för stad och land
    Box 7012
    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Ulls väg 27 , Uppsala
  • William Renström

    William Renström

    Doctoral Student at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Division of Agrarian History

    E-mail: william.renstrom@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Inst för stad och land
    Box 7012
    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Ulls väg 27 , Uppsala
  • Martin Skoglund

    Martin Skoglund

    Non employee at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Division of Agrarian History

    Telephone: +4618672601
    E-mail: martin.skoglund@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Inst för stad och land
    Box 7012
    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Ulls väg 27 , Uppsala
  • Patrick Svensson

    Patrick Svensson

    Professor at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Division of Agrarian History

    Telephone: +4618673549, +46790670925
    E-mail: patrick.svensson@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Inst för stad och land
    Box 7012
    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Ulls väg 27 , Uppsala
  • Clas Tollin

    Clas Tollin

    Researcher at the Department of Urban and Rural Development; Division of Agrarian History

    Telephone: +4618671665, +46706091486
    E-mail: clas.tollin@slu.se

    Postal address:
    Inst för stad och land
    Box 7012
    750 07 Uppsala
    Visiting address: Ulls väg 27 , Uppsala