Spatial planning -- Landscape, Planning and Governance

Last changed: 08 January 2024

The interdisciplinary subject “spatial planning” goes beyond the profession of  architecture, and reaches beyond the traditional scope of spatial planning. Consequently, we refer to the group as Landscape, Planning and Governance (LPG).

The LPG group studies opportunities, obstacles and driving forces for transitions towards a more just and sustainable society. In addition, several scholars in the group have substantial experience of planning in practice. A close connection to practice is reflected in the groups research and teaching.

Much of our work is characterised by a landscape perspective, which facilitates studies of the complex interplay between land-use, law, ecology, everyday practices of the inhabitants, and planning processes. This includes studies of how spatial planning and governance is practiced, and its environmental consequences.

Studies of and for landscape planning is a key theme in our research. Specific themes in our research include landscape justice, environmental assessment, landscape analysis, planning for recreation and health, peri-urban studies, sustainable urbanization, and landscape and planning theory. The research is primarily funded by research agencies, and is conducted in collaboration with national and international peers but also in close collaboration with the society at large.

The LPG team