Undergraduate studies at the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment

Last changed: 02 October 2023
Lecturer and students in a lecture hall, photo.

The Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment is giving courses about available tools for analysing trends in the environment, and assessment of environmental quality. We are also disseminating a critical and knowledge based attitude to environmental data and environmental reports.


The Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment is responsible for the following courses:

The department is also involved in a number of other courses with water related parts, e.g.: Contaminated Soils - Risk Assessment and Remediation (20 credits), Energy and Environment (7.5 credits) and Land Use and Watershed Management to Reduce Eutrophication (7.5 credits).

Independent projects / BSc or MSc projects


We are teaching on the following programmes:


Ulf Grandin
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, SLU
ulf.grandin@slu.se, 018-67 31 04