Michelle investigates golden eagle movements

Last changed: 22 January 2020
Portrait of Michelle Etienne.

In the future Michelle Etienne wants to develop new ways to improve conservation efforts and investigate anthropogenic influences on ecosystems. On her way to achieving that goal she's now looking at factors that might influence the behaviour of golden eagles.

Who am I?

I am a creative and determined person who loves spending time in nature. I am from Germany and study the Master's program in Biology at Stockholm University where I spent the past year prior to moving to Umeå for my thesis.

What are you doing your Master's thesis about?

I am investigating golden eagle movements in relation to linear infrastructure by looking at several factors that might influence their behavior. These include wildlife traffic accidents, environmental conditions, habitat structure, land use and differences in age and gender structure.

Why did you choose that topic?

Even though I enjoy field work, I am only analyzing data for my thesis, since I wanted to improve my skills in R and GIS. Thus, becoming better equipped for a PhD in the future. I love my topic as I am very interested in ornithology, especially raptors. I am keen to develop new and exiting methods and ways to improve conservation efforts and investigate anthropogenic influences on ecosystems.