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Det finns 149 sidor som är taggade med Disputationer:

Disp Niina Sundin

Sustainability of food waste prevention through food consumption Charlotta.Eriksson@slu.se Niina Sundin försvarar sin avhandling "Sustainability of food waste prevention through food consumption"

Disputation Félix Barbut

Unraveling the Role of Xylan in the Integrity of Secondary Cell Walls : insights from Arabidopsis and Aspen charlotta.bergstrom@slu.se Félix Barbut försvarar sin avhandling "Unraveling the Role of

Disp Martin Friberg

Gene editing for increased tuber protein utilization in potato (Solanum tuberosum) lotta.malmborg@slu.se Martin Friberg, institutionen för växtförädling, försvarar sin avhandling med titeln "Gene

Disp Tord Ranheim Sveen

Transient landscapes, changing ecosystems Microbial implications of land-use change across spatiotemporal scales charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Tord Ranheim Sveen försvarar sin avhandling "Transient

Disp Elin Alexandersson

Reducing signal interference in complex NMR spectra Characterization and quantification of metabolites in mixtures Charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Elin Alexandersson försvarar sin avhandling "Reducing

Disputation Xiao Hu

Transitioning to A Sustainable Society : essays in Environmental and Urban Economics charlotta.bergstrom@slu.se Xiao Hu försvarar sin avhandling "Transitioning to A Sustainable Society : essays in

Disp Ebba Perman

Challenges associated with high-solid anaerobic digestion - Down-scaling, plug-flow behaviour and ammonia inhibition charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Ebba Perman försvarar sin avhandling "Challenges

Disp Mark Wales

Adolescent outdoor life and well-being lotta.malmborg@slu.se Mark Wales försvarar sin avhandling med titeln "Adolescent outdoor life and well-being". LTV fakulteten Crafoordsalen, Navet Alnarp

Disp Azadeh Shahrad

Urban densification considering sense of place and environmental justice – or not lotta.malmborg@slu.se Azadeh Shahrad försvarar sin avhandling med titeln "Urban densification considering sense of

Disp Mahlet Demere Tadesse

Implementation of digital technologies in logistics systems of low-income countries An assessment based on case studies in Ethiopia charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Mahlet Demere Tadesse försvarar sin

Disp Lan Yuzhou

Exploring the genetic toolbox for climate-resilient spring wheat : drought impact on yield, breadmaking quality, nutritional value and toxicity lotta.malmborg@slu.se Lan Yuzhou försvarar sin

Disp Pablo de la Peña Aguilera

Community assembly across Subarctic landscapes Exploring patterns of diversity charlotta.eriksson@slu.se Pablo de la Peña Aguilera försvarar sin avhandling " Community assembly across Subarctic
