Ny sökning

Landskapsplanering i teori och praktik

Kursens syfte är att förmedla kunskap att undersöka landskap ur teoretiska perspektiv och studera möjligheter till landskapets omvandling inom praktisk landskapsplanering. Kursen omfattar teorier hur landskapsarkitekturen kan bevara eller utveckla landskapet inom olika planeringsuppgifter.

Kursen använder landskapsteori som verktyg för kritisk granskning och fördjupad förståelse för planering, särskilt landskapsplanering. Den diskuterar centrala begrepp och metoder i landskapsplanering, med exempel på hur det praktiseras.

Kursen är baserad på litteraturseminarier i kombination med föreläsningar och workshops. I kursen ingår att skriva en uppsats där en av de teorier eller begrepp som diskuteras i kursen studeras mer ingående.


Kursvärderingen är avslutad

LK0345-20076 - Sammanställning av kursvärdering

Efter att kursvärderingen stängt har kursansvarig och studentrepresentanten upp till en månad på sig att skriva kommentarer. De publiceras automatiskt i sammanställningen.

Andra kursvärderingar för LK0345

Läsåret 2022/2023

Landskapsplanering i teori och praktik (LK0345-20027)

2022-11-01 - 2023-01-15

Läsåret 2021/2022

Landskapsplanering i teori och praktik (LK0345-10117)

2021-08-30 - 2021-11-01

Läsåret 2020/2021

Landskapsplanering i teori och praktik (LK0345-10181)

2020-08-31 - 2020-11-01

Läsåret 2019/2020

Landskapsplanering i teori och praktik (LK0345-10035)

2019-09-02 - 2019-10-31

Kursplan och övrig information



Landscape Planning in Theory and Practice

Compulsory reading list for the seminars (There might be few changes. Recommended readings list will be posted on course Canvas page on the course start day).

Seminar 1: Ways of seeing, ways of doing: why does the definition of landscape matter?

In this seminar, we will examine how different discourses on landscape influence how we frame our environment. We will consider how different conceptualisations of landscape are brought in to played when we read and communicate landscape and how these readings ultimately informs planning and understand conflict in the land- scape

Compulsory reading

Joks, S., Østmo, L. & Law, J. 2020. “Verbing meahcci: Living Sámi lands”, The Sociological Review, 68, 305-321.

Olwig, K. R. (2005). “The Landscape of ‘Customary’ Law versus that of ‘Natu- ral’ Law”, Landscape Research, 30(3): 299–320. https://doi.org/10.1080/01426390500165385

Atha, M., Howard, P., Thompson, I. & Waterton, E. (2019). “Introduction.

Ways of knowing and being with landscape: a beginning”. In: P. Howard, I. Thompson, E. Waterton, & M. Atha (Eds.), *The Routledge Companion to Landscape Studies *(pp. xix-xxviii). Abing- don, Oxon – New York: Routledge.

Seminar 2: Materialised discourses

*This seminar explores landscape understood as a materialised discourse, and the diffi- culties in moving beyond such a “naturalised” discourse, e.g. when aiming for a more sustainable or multifunctional land-use. Unless we take the materialised dis- courses seriously, such land-use transitions might fail. The seminar will discuss the importance of materialised landscapes – but also what kind of landscapes planning *tend to materialise.

Compulsory reading

Egoz, S., Bowring, J. & Perkins, H. C. (2001). “Tastes in tension: form, function, and meaning in New Zealand’s farmed landscapes”. Land- scape and Urban Planning, 57(3), 177–196. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0169-2046(01)00203-1

Qviström, M. (2008). “Landscapes out of order: studying the inner urban fringe beyond the rural – urban divide”. Geografiska Annaler Series B, 89(3), 269 - 282.

Schein, R. (1997). “The place of landscape: A Conceptual Framework for Interpreting an American Scene”. Annals of the Association of American* Geographers*, 87(4), 660 – 680

Seminar 3: Nature, culture, wilderness

Nature* is a powerful concept. Claims to what is “natural” have varied over the **centu- **ries, and have had a fundamental impact on the practice of landscape planners and architects. This seminar explores the concepts of nature, culture and wilderness to gain a better understanding of the complexity of the concepts, their importance and *role, especially within modernity.

Compulsory reading

Cronon, W. (1996). “The Trouble with Wilderness; or, Getting Back to the Wrong Nature”. In W. Cronon (Ed.), Uncommon Ground: Toward* Reinventing Nature *(pp. 69–90). New York: W.W. Norton & Company

Kaika, M. (2005). City* of flows: modernity, nature and the **city *(pp. 11–26). New York. Routledge.

Workshop: The nature of landscape planning. McHarg’s overlay approach

*This workshop aims to acknowledge and scrutinize one of the most influential publication within landscape planning: Ian McHarg’s “Design with nature”. This book affects the everyday practice of landscape and environmental planners – whether they have heard of it or not. Therefore, there is a need to scrutinize the ideas of nature, and of mapping and planning, that inform the book. The workshop will do this *in a more playful way than the academic seminars.

Compulsory reading

McHarg, I. (1969/1992). Design with nature. New York: J. Wiley. Selected chap- ters: “A step forward”, pp. 31–41, and “Processes as values”, pp. 103–115.

Seminar 4: Landscape Planning and Social Injustice at the intersections of Green Gentrification, Climate Change, Segregation and Place Politics

**Compulsory readings **

Anguelovski, Isabelle, James J. T. Connolly, Helen Cole, Melissa Garcia-Lamarca, Margarita Triguero-Mas, Francesc Baró, Nicholas Martin, et al. “Green Gentrification in European and North American Cities.” Nature Communications 13, no. 1 (July 2, 2022): 3816. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-31572-1.

Bradley,K. , Gunnarsson-Östling, U. , I. Isaksson (2008) Exploring Environmental Justice in Sweden - How to improve planning for environmental sustainability and social equity in an ‘eco-friendly’ context**.** Projections - MIT Journal of Planning, 8 (2008), pp. 68-81

Seamster, L., & Purifoy, D. (2020). What is environmental racism for? Place-based harm and relational development. Environmental Sociology, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1080/23251042.2020.1790331

Yigit-Turan, B. and Ågren, M. (2022), Segregation and Landscape Injustice in the Shadows of White Planning and Green Exceptionalism in Sweden, Urban Matters Journal, Issue: Dislocating Urban Studies https://urbanmattersjournal.com/segregation-and-landscape-injustice-in-the-shadows-of-white-planning-and-green-exceptionalism-in-sweden/

Seminar 5: Green Reconstruction, Anti-Subordination, Anti-Racist, Feminist Planning

**Compulsory readings **

Anguelovski, I., & Gottlieb, R. (2014). Neighborhood As Refuge: Community Reconstruction, Place Remaking, and Environmental Justice in the City. MIT Press. (chapter 6) http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/slub-ebooks/detail.action?docID=3339756

Reinhold, M (2022) *Green Reconstruction: A Curricular Toolkit for the Built Environment. *University of Columbia Press.


Hendler, Sue. “Towards a Feminist Code of Planning Ethics.” Planning Theory & Practice 6, no. 1 (March 1, 2005): 53–69. https://doi.org/10.1080/1464935042000334967.

Steil, Justin. “Antisubordination Planning.” Journal of Planning Education and Research, December 7, 2018, 0739456X18815739. https://doi.org/10.1177/0739456X18815739.

**Seminar 6: Pluriversal Approaches to Planning Research and Practice: Counter mapping, storytelling **

**Compulsory readings **

Halder, S. Michel, B. (2018)* This is not an atlas: A global collection of counter-cartographies *(First edition). (2018). [Map]. Transcript Verlag. Introduction pp. 12-37 https://www.transcript-verlag.de/shopMedia/openaccess/pdf/oa9783839445198.pdf

Sandercock, Leonie. “Out of the Closet: The Importance of Stories and Storytelling in Planning Practice.” Planning Theory & Practice 4, no. 1 (January 2003): 11–28. https://doi.org/10.1080/1464935032000057209.

Sletto, B., Barrera de la Torre, G., Lamina Luguana, A. M., & Pereira Júnior, D. (2021). Walking, knowing, and the limits of the map: Performing participatory cartographies in indigenous landscapes. Cultural Geographies, 14744740211034480. https://doi.org/10.1177/14744740211034479

Vasudevan, Raksha, and Magdalena Novoa E. “Pluriversal Planning Scholarship: Embracing Multiplicity and Situated Knowledges in Community-Based Approaches.” Planning Theory 21, no. 1 (February 1, 2022): 77–100. https://doi.org/10.1177/14730952211000384.

Reading for the Zine Making and Story Mapping Workshop

Ashtari, Atyeh, Efadul Huq, and Faranak Miraftab. “The Joy of Many Stories: Zine-Making and Story-Mapping in Planning Pedagogy.” Planning Practice & Research 0, no. 0 (April 11, 2022): 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1080/02697459.2022.2061106.


Kursen ges som en fristående kurs: Ja Kursen ges som en programkurs: Landscape Architecture for Sustainable Urbanisation - Master's Programme Landskapsarkitektprogrammet, Ultuna Landskapsarkitektprogrammet - Uppsala Landskapsarkitektprogrammet, Ultuna Kursavgift: Studieavgift, endast för medborgare utanför EU, EES, och Schweiz: 74982 SEK Nivå: Avancerad nivå (A1F)
Ämne: Landskapsarkitektur Landskapsarkitektur
Kurskod: LK0345 Anmälningskod: SLU-20076 Plats: Uppsala Distanskurs: Nej Undervisningsspråk: Engelska Ansvarig institution: Institutionen för stad och land Studietakt: 100%