Ny sökning

Tvärvetenskapliga perspektiv

Cross-disciplinary perspectives are often asked for, but this is no easy task. The aim with this course is to introduce PhD students to cross-disciplinary ways of thinking and to pros, cons and challenges with this kind of approach. PhD students from all kinds of natural science, humanities and social science are welcome to this course, to create a melting pot of cross-disciplinary views! The course has its point of departure in the participants’ PhD projects and includes:

- Individual reflections and analyses of the participants’ PhD projects from cross-disciplinary perspectives

- Identification of similarities between the different PhD projects in the course, irrespective of how different the projects may appear at first sight.

- Identification and group discussions (brain storming) of potential cross-disciplinary projects on basis of the included PhD projects

- Source criticism in various kinds of disciplines and contexts

- Various scientific cultures and how these may vary between sub-disciplines, countries, etc.

- Comparison of scientific articles by other scientists in various disciplines and disciplines in order to identify and analyze differences in character, references, and other aspects that may provide obstacles when collaborating in cross-disciplinary projects.

- Potentials and obstacles to work cross-disciplinary in a world of disciplines? Publishing? Conferences? Positions?

- Depth and/or width?

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