
Marie Hermy


PhD student at the Disease Vector Group, part of the Chemical Ecology group in the Department of Plant Protection Biology in Alnarp. 

The topic of my research is "Assessing the risk of malaria mosquitoes by identifying the genetic basis of their host preference"


* March- September 2014: MSc major thesis
Attraction of malaria mosquitoes to human odours and synthetic blends
at Wageningen University and Icipe (International Centre for insect physiology and ecology, Mbita, Kenya)

* October 2014- June 2015: MSc minor thesis
The role of skin bacterial volatiles in cattle resistance to ticks
at USP in Ribeirão Preto (University of São Paulo, Brazil) 


* 2015- May 2018: Technical staff at the Unit of Medical Helminthology at the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium

* 2013- 2015: MSc free program with a focus on Vector Ecology, Wageninen University, The Netherlands

* 2010- 2013: BSc in Forest & Nature Conservation, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

