Ny sökning

Bin, biodling och pollinering

The course "Bees, beekeeping and pollination" examines the most important insect pollinators and gives an insight into their taxonomy, biology and ecological role. Practical work and excursions with focus on bumble bees, solitary bees and honey bees give both an understanding of the variations in biology and knowledge of specific pollinator species and how human activities may improve or impair survival of pollinating insects. Emphasis is put on the domesticated honey bee because of their importance both as honey producers and as pollinators of cultivated crops. Beekeeping is described in some detail with practical demonstrations of management, queen rearing and honey extraction.

Information från kursledaren

Welcome to the Bee Course

Bees, Apiculture and Pollination. BI1320

The first day of the course will be on Monday May 2nd. The course will be a combination of online lectures and IRL activities. The Zoom platform will be used for streamed lectures and exercises will be on campus in Uppsala.

During the course we will use the canvas platform for all communication. There you will find zoom links for the lectures, instructions for the project work, the schedule, grading criteria, literature, pre-recorded lectures and films, slides from lectures, and you will use the platform to handle in your assignments (project work). If you intend to participate in the course I recommend that you self-register in Ladok. If you have problems with that we can fix that on the first day.

If you have questions? Just send an email to either the course leader Barbara (Barbara.locke@slu.se) or the course administrators Maria Viketoft (Maria.Viketoft@slu.se) or Ida Kollberg (Ida.Kollberg@slu.se)


Kursvärderingen är avslutad

BI1320-40149 - Sammanställning av kursvärdering

Efter att kursvärderingen stängt har kursansvarig och studentrepresentanten upp till en månad på sig att skriva kommentarer. De publiceras automatiskt i sammanställningen.

Andra kursvärderingar för BI1320

Läsåret 2023/2024

Bin, biodling och pollinering (BI1320-40068)

2024-04-26 - 2024-06-02

Läsåret 2022/2023

Bin, biodling och pollinering (BI1320-40065)

2023-04-28 - 2023-06-04

Läsåret 2020/2021

Bin, biodling och pollinering (BI1320-40135)

2021-05-03 - 2021-06-06

Läsåret 2019/2020

Bin, biodling och pollinering (BI1320-40049)

2020-05-01 - 2020-06-07

Läsåret 2018/2019

Bin, biodling och pollinering (BI1320-40063)

2019-05-03 - 2019-06-09

Kursplan och övrig information


Grading criteria

BI1011 Bees, Apiculture and Pollination 7 HEC

Bin, biodling och pollinering

Course Objectives

After completing the course the student is expected to:

  • master the use of keys for species determination of insects
  • be able to determine solitary bees to family and common bumble bees to species
  • understand the importance of insect mediated pollination
  • be able to describe the ecological importance of social insects and the organization of honey bee colonies
  • be able to describe the genetic relationship between individuals in honey bee colonies and the sex determination system
  • know the most important honey bee diseases and parasites
  • be able to perform common measures related to beekeeping practices

Grades: 5 /4 /3 / U (5 = A; 4 = B; 3 = D; U = F – Fail


Interval %



5 (A)

80 – 100

Very good

The student can use insect keys and determine most solitary bees to family and all common bumble bees to species. The student fully understands most aspects of the importance of insect mediated pollination with well founded examples from ecology, horticulture and agriculture. The student can in detail describe how honey bee colonies are organized, the genetics of honey bees and how sex is determined. The student knows and can in detail describe the biology of major honey bee diseases. The student is well familiar with beekeeping practice, is able to describe a full year of apiculture and knows in detail the products produced in apiculture.

4 (B)

68 – 79


The student can use insect keys and determine some solitary bees to family and most common bumble bees to species. The student understands most aspects of the importance of insect mediated pollination with examples from ecology, horticulture and agriculture. The student can describe most aspects of colony organization, the genetics of honey bees and how sex is determined. The student knows and can describe the basic biology of the major honey bee diseases. The student is familiar with beekeeping practice, is able to describe most aspects of a full year of apiculture and knows in some detail the products produced in apiculture.

3 (D)

58 - 67


The student can use insect keys and determine some solitary bees to family and some common bumble bees to species. The student understands some aspects of the importance of insect mediated pollination with examples from ecology, horticulture and agriculture. The student can describe the basic features of colony organization, some important aspects of honey bee genetics and understands the basis for sex determination. The student knows and can describe the basic biology of some honey bee diseases. The student knows the major beekeeping practice, is able to describe the most important features of apiculture and knows some of the products produced in apiculture.


Kursen ges som en fristående kurs: Ja Kursavgift: Studieavgift, endast för medborgare utanför EU, EES, och Schweiz: 19027 SEK Nivå: Grundnivå (G1F)
Ämne: Biologi Biologi
Kurskod: BI1320 Anmälningskod: SLU-40149 Plats: Uppsala Distanskurs: Nej Undervisningsspråk: Engelska Ansvarig institution: Institutionen för ekologi Studietakt: 100%