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Planeringsprojekt - Transformation av urbana landskap

Se portfolio instructions on: https://www.slu.se/lam-portfolio/

Information från kursledaren

The urban landscape is changing rapidly in front of our eyes. Large areas of post-industrial heritage are retrofitted into generic urban districts with little or no consideration to the site's specific qualities or conditions, resulting in immense resources being wasted.

What if there are other ways of transforming these sites, and what if such “other ways” also holds lessons for city building's engagement with the Global Sustainability Goals and transformations of urban landscapes in general?

In this course the concepts of “planning” versus “design” are scrutinized as well as the concepts such as “transformation”, “change”, “site” and “site specificity”. How are these concepts interpreted in contemporary landscape architecture? In what ways can design approaches in planning influence sustainability and have effects on the transformation of urban landscapes? What kinds of techniques for exploring site-specific qualities are available to us? And how do we convey and represent change actions that are beyond the conventional masterplans?

The course is built around one assignment that you will work towards from the very start, to develop a proposal for the transformation of the southern city districs of Helsingborg, Sweden. In addition to working on this assignment different learning activities are offered with the aim of feeding into the main assignment, such as methods for site explorations, literature seminars, lectures and workshops, stakeholder interviews etc.

A course book with most of the information that you will be needing will be available for you on the course's canvas page prior to course start.

We are really looking forward to collaborate with you!


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Andra kursvärderingar för LK0410

Läsåret 2023/2024

Planeringsprojekt - Transformation av urbana landskap (LK0410-10118)

2023-08-28 - 2023-10-30

Kursplan och övrig information



***Obligatoriska texter:

Bélanger, P. (2016). Out of time. a+t, vol 46.

Diedrich, L., Curnier, S., Hendriks, M., Leger-Smith, A., Mol, C. (eds.) (2022). LAE#6 Second glance. Wagening: Landscape Architecture Europe

Diedrich, L., Dahl, C. (2016). Ile de Nantes 2000–2010: a method for the meantime? Journal of Landscape Architecture, vol. 11(2), pp. 72-83. DOI: 10.1080/18626033.2016.1188576.

Diedrich, L; Lee, G. (2018), Transareal excursions into landscapes of fragility and endurance: a contemporary interpretation of Alexander von Humboldt’s mobile science. In: Braae, E., Steiner, H. (eds) Routledge Companion for Research in Landscape Architecture (London: Routledge): 90-102

Duempelmann, S. & Herrington, S. (2014). Plotting Time in Landscape Architecture. Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes, vol. 34**,** pp. 1-14.

Dunne, A. & Raby, F. (2013). Speculative Everything: Design, Fiction, and Social Dreaming. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.

Janches, F. & Rohm, M. (2012) Urban Interrelations, Summery of work methodology & Appendix. In: Janches, F. & Rohm, M. Urban interraltions: work methodology for the insertion of public space in informal settlements. Publisher: XX

Kahn, A. (2021). Defining urban sites: Toward Ecotone-Thinking for an Urbanizing World. In: Burns, C. J. & Kahn, A. (eds) Site Matters: Design Concepts, Histories, and Strategies. New York; Oxon: Routledge, pp. 189-203. Second Edition.

Lindholm, G. (2011). Visble gestures: On urban landscape perspectives in planning. Planning Theory, vol. 11**,** pp. 5-19.

Lystra, M. (2014). McHarg’s Entropy, Halprin’s Chance: Representations of Cybernetic Change in 1960s Landscape Architecture. Landscape Architecture, Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes, vol. 34**,** pp. 71-84.

Mostafavi, M. (2017) Agonistic Urbanism. In: Mostafavi, M. (ed) Ethics of the Urban. The City and the Spaces of the Political. Lars Müller Publishers. 9-16

Nowotny, H., Scott, P & Gibbons, M. (2003), Introduction: Mode 2’ Revisited: The New Production of Knowledge

Pedrosa, A. (2011). Jorge Macchi and the Argentine School of Cartography. In: Macchi, J. Music Stands Still. Ghent: S.M.A.K, pp. 61-73.

Petrescu, D. (2016). The Indeterminate Mapping of the Common. Field, vol.1 (1), pp 88-96.

Sennet, R. (2017) Egde: City and Self. In: Mostafavi, M. (ed) Ethics of the Urban. The City and the Spaces of the Political. Lars Müller Publishers.

Vogel, N. (2017) Synergies through entanglement: Commoning entering the urban governance realm. The Public Sector, vol. 43:1. Commons reloaded. Potentials and Challenges in Urban and Regional Development, 7-18.


Arefi, M. & Nasser, N. (2019). Agency, time and urban transformation. Urban Design International vol*.* 24**,** pp. 223-224.

Bennett, J. (2011). Artistry and Agency in a World of Vibrant Matter. Video-lecture at The New School. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q607Ni23QjA

Bingham-Hall, John (2016) Future of cities: commoning and collective approaches to urban space. Future of cities, Government Office for Science, London, UK.

Boonstra, B. & Boelens, L. (2011) Self-organization in urban development: towards a new perspective on spatial planning. Urban Research & Practice, 4:2, 99-122.

Cross, N. (1992). Designerly ways of knowing. Design Studies vol 3(4), pp. 221-227.

Dahl, C. and Diedrich, L. (2020), Building transformative capacities: integrating design research into port-city transformation. PORTUSPlus 9, https://www.portusplus.org/index.php/pp/article/view/207

Folch, R. (2011) Territory and Landscape in the Mediterranean Environment. Quaderns de la Mediterrània vol. 16, pp. 19-24.

Parker P., Vogel N., Diedrich L. (2019). Investigating the Democratic Potential of Temporary Uses in Urban Redevelopment Projects. In: Fisker J., Chiappini L., Pugalis L., Bruzzese A. (eds) Enabling Urban Alternatives. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, pp. 85-107.

Smithson, R. (1967). A Tour of the Monuments of the Passiac, New Jersey. *Artforum *Vol.6, No.4

Sola-Morales, I. D. (1995). Terrain Vague. In: Davidson, C. (ed.) Anyplace. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.

Vogel, N., Arler, F., Gulsrud, N. and Jansson, M. (2019) Ethical dimensions in urban open space governance and management. In: Jansson, M. & Randrup, T. B. (eds.) Urban Open Space Governance and Management, Routledge, 93-111.

Rittel, H.W.J & Webber M. M. (1973) Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning. Policy Sciences 4, pp. 155-169.


Kursen ges som en fristående kurs: Ja Kursen ges som en programkurs: Landscape Architecture- Master's Programme Landskapsarkitektprogrammet, Alnarp Kursavgift: Studieavgift, endast för medborgare utanför EU, EES, och Schweiz: 38060 SEK Nivå: Avancerad nivå (A1N)
Ämne: Landskapsarkitektur Landskapsarkitektur
Kurskod: LK0410 Anmälningskod: SLU-10008 Plats: Alnarp Distanskurs: Nej Undervisningsspråk: Engelska Ansvarig institution: Institutionen för landskapsarkitektur, planering och förvaltning Studietakt: 100%