Landskapsanalys i studier av människa och miljö
The course consists of four main blocks including a number of compulsory online elements see information below from course leader.
Andra kursvärderingar för MP0002
Läsåret 2023/2024
Landskapsanalys i studier av människa och miljö (MP0002-30175)
2024-01-15 - 2024-06-02
Läsåret 2022/2023
Landskapsanalys i studier av människa och miljö (MP0002-30012)
2023-01-16 - 2023-06-04
Läsåret 2021/2022
Landskapsanalys i studier av människa och miljö (MP0002-30256)
2022-01-17 - 2022-06-05
Läsåret 2020/2021
Landskapsanalys i studier av människa och miljö (MP0002-30168)
2021-01-18 - 2021-06-06
Kursplan och övrig information
MP0002 Landskapsanalys i studier av människa och miljö, 15,0 Hp
Landscape Analysis for People and Environment StudiesÄmnen
Miljöpsykologi Landskapsarkitektur Miljöpsykologi LandskapsarkitekturUtbildningens nivå
Avancerad nivåModuler
Benämning | Hp | Kod |
Enda modul | 15,0 | 0101 |
Avancerad nivå, har endast kurs/er på grundnivå som förkunskapskravAvancerad nivå (A1N)
Kraven för kursens olika betygsgrader framgår av betygskriterier, som ska finnas tillgängliga senast vid kursstart.
Kunskaper motsvarande minst 120 hp och Engelska 6Mål
Kursens mål är att inom ramen för studier av relationen människa/miljö ge kompetens att genomföra landskapsanalyser och att skapa förståelse för landskapsanalysens möjligheter.
Efter genomgången kurs ska studenten kunna:
• diskutera och jämföra koncept och verktyg för analys och design
• formulera problem som är relevanta för landskapsanalys
• identifiera relevant litteratur för landskapsanalys
• identifiera och utveckla verktyg inom landskapsanalys
• använda och utvärdera verktyg för landskapsanalys
• presentera genomförda landskapsanalyser muntligt, skriftligt och visuellt
Kursen är uppbyggd i tre steg. Det första steget omfattar litteraturstudier där studenterna identifierar problem och koncept inom fältet för människa/miljöstudier som är relevanta för landskapsanalys och gör sammanställningar av användbar litteratur som illustrerar de identifierade aspekterna i obligatoriska litteraturrapporter. Det andra steget innebär att identifiera och/eller utveckla verktyg för landskapsanalys i ett människa-miljöperspektiv, vilket redovisas skriftligt och muntligt i seminarier. Det tredje steget består av att testa, jämföra och utvärdera sådana verktyg. Även detta redovisas skriftligt och muntligt i seminarier.
I kursen kombineras obligatoriska onlineträffar med arbete självständigt och i grupp.
Kraven för kursens olika betygsgrader framgår av betygskriterier, som ska finnas tillgängliga senast vid kursstart.Examinationsformer och fordringar för godkänd kurs
Deltagande i obligatoriska moment. Godkänt deltagande i seminarier. Godkända övningar.
- Examinatorn har, om det finns skäl och är möjligt, rätt att ge en kompletteringsuppgift till den student som inte blivit godkänd på en examination.
- Om studenten har ett beslut från SLU om riktat pedagogiskt stöd på grund av funktionsnedsättning, kan examinatorn ge ett anpassat prov eller låta studenten genomföra provet på ett alternativt sätt.
- Om denna kursplan läggs ned, ska SLU besluta om övergångsbestämmelser för examination av studenter, som antagits enligt denna kursplan och ännu inte blivit godkända.
- För examination av självständigt arbete (examensarbete) gäller dessutom att examinatorn kan tillåta studenten att göra kompletteringar efter inlämningsdatum. Mer information finns i utbildningshandboken.
Övriga upplysningar
- Rätten att delta i undervisning och/eller handledning gäller endast det kurstillfälle, som studenten blivit antagen till och registrerad på.
- Om det finns särskilda skäl, har studenten rätt att delta i moment som kräver obligatorisk närvaro vid ett senare kurstillfälle. Mer information finns i utbildningshandboken.
Ytterligare information
Kursen ges på halvfart och distans, med obligatoriska onlineträffar. Grundläggande kunskaper i landskapsarkitektur, arkitektur, psykologi, pedagogik eller miljövetenskap rekommenderas.Ansvarig institution/motsvarande
Institutionen för människa och samhälle
Kompletterande uppgifter
The course literature is divided in three parts:
- Basic literature for selective reading to get an orientation of the field and to start looking for a topic.
- Topic related literature for intensive reading to specify topics and to find sources for other landscape analyses in people environment studies to relate your own work to.
- *Topic specific literature, i.e. intensive reading of literature originating from topic specific searches conducted by the students individually, with optional guidance from the library staff *
The topic specific literature should include at least three different pieces of litterature.
Most articles and book chapters are available in e-journals or e-books at SLU Library and others are available at Canvas. Notice that all files provided are for personal use only, due to copyright restrictions. A few of the books are not provided as electronic resources but are available at SLU Library.
Access to online resources at the SLU Library
Many of the databases, e-journals and other online resources at the SLU Library are restricted by license agreements and can only be used within the university. VPN (Virtual private network) is a service that allows you to log in to the university's network from anywhere in the world and get access to the restricted resources. Everyone who is a student or employee at SLU can use the VPN function for making a safe connection between a computer outside SLU and the SLU network. To make it work you must have a user account in the Active Directory at SLU. Information on how to start using VPN is available on the following page:
Information on how to activate your SLU user account is available here:
** Basic literature**
Selective reading to get an orientation of the field and to start looking for a topic.
Adevi, A., Grahn, P., 2011. Preferences for landscapes: A matter of cultural determinants or innate reflexes that point to our evolutionary background? Landscape Research 37, 1-23. (Available as e-journal at SLU Library)
Appleton, J., 1975. The Experience of Landscape. Wiley, London. (SLU Library)
Bell, P.A., 2001. Environmental Psychology (5th edition). Thomson Wadsworth, Belmont CA. (Pp. 1-22 and 251-292 available at Canvas)
Bonnes, M., Lee, T. & Bonaiuto, M. (2003). Psychological theories for environmental issues. Aldershot Ashgate. (SLU Library)
Cooper Marcus, C., Barnes, M., (Eds.), 1999. Healing Gardens: Therapeutic Benefits and Design Recommendations. John Wiley & Sons, New York. (SLU Library)
Cooper Marcus, C. & Sachs, N., (Eds.), 2014. Therapeutic Landscapes: An Evidence-Based Approach to Designing Healing gardens and Restorative outdoor spaces. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. (Available as e-book at SLU Library)
de Jong, K., Albin, M., Skärbäck, E., Grahn, P., Björk, J., 2012. Perceived green qualities were associated with neighbourhood satisfaction, physical activity, and general health: Results from a cross-sectional study in suburban and rural Scania, southern Sweden. Health & Place 18, 1374-1380. (Available as e-journal at SLU Library)
Falk, J., Balling, J., 2010. Evolutionary influence on human landscape preference. *Environment and Behaviour 42 *(4), 479–493. (Available as e-journal at SLU Library)
Gehl, J., 2007. Public spaces for a changing public life. In: Ward Thompson, C., Travlou, P. (Eds.), Open Space, People Space. Taylor and Francis, pp. 3-9. (SLU Library)
Grahn, P., Stigsdotter, U., 2010. The relation between perceived sensory dimensions of urban green space and stress restoration. Landscape and Urban Planning 94 (3-4), 264-275. (Available as e-journal at SLU Library)
Grahn, P. & Stigsdotter, U., 2003. Landscape planning and stress. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2, 1-18. (Available as e-journal at SLU Library)
Hartig, T., 2007. Three steps to understanding restorative environments as health resources. In: Ward Thompson, C., Travlou, P. (Eds.), Open Space, People Space. Taylor and Francis, pp. 163–180. (SLU Library)
Hartig, T., Mitchell, R., de Vries, S., Frumkin, H., 2014. Nature and Health. Annual Review of Public Health 35(1), 207-228. (Canvas)
Iwarsson, S. & Ståhl, A., 2003. Accessibility, Usability and Universal Design – positioning and definition of concepts describing person-environment relationships. Disability and Rehabilitation, 25, 57-66. (Canvas)
Joye, Y., van den Berg, A., 2011. Is love for green in our genes? A critical analysis of evolutionary assumptions in restorative environments research. *Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 10 *(4), 261-268. (Available as e-journal at SLU Library)
Kaplan, R., Kaplan, S., 1989. The Experience of Nature. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, MA. (SLU Library)
Kellert, S. Calabrese, E., 2015. The Practice of Biophilic Design. Retrieved from (Canvas)
Küller, R., 1991. Environmental assessment from a neuropsychological perspective. In: Gärling, T., Evans, G., (Eds.), Environment, Cognition and Action: An Integrated Approach. New York, Oxford University Press, pp. 111–147. (Available as e-book at SLU Library)
Lynch, K., 1960. The Image of the City. Cambridge, London, The M.I.T. Press. (SLU Library and Canvas)
Ode Sang, Å., Tveit, M., 2013. Perceptions of stewardship in Norwegian agricultural landscapes. Land Use Policy 31, 557-564. (Available as e-journal at SLU Library)
Orians, G., 1986. An ecological and evolutionary approach to landscape aesthetics. In: Penning-Rowsell, E., Lowenthal, D., (Eds.), Meanings and Values in Landscape. London, Allen & Unwin, pp. 3-25. (Canvas)
Ottosson, J., 2001. The Importance of Nature in Coping with a Crisis: A photographic essay. Landscape Research 26(2), 165-172. (Available as e-journal at SLU Library)
Tveit, M., Ode, Å., Fry, G., 2006. Key concepts in a framework for analysing visual landscape character. Landscape Research, 31, 229-255. (Available as e-journal at SLU Library)
Ulrich, R., Simons, R., Losito, B., Fiorito, E., Miles, M., Zelson, M., 1991. Stress recovery during exposure to natural and urban environments. Journal of Environmental Psychology 11, 201–230. (Available as e-journal at SLU Library)
Ward Thompson, C., Travlou, P., 2007. Open Space, People Space. Taylor and Francis. (SLU Library)
Pilot study literature
van Teijlingen E., Hundley, V., 2001. The importance of pilot studies. Social Research Update 35, Department of Sociology, University of Surrey. Available at:
Topic related literature
Intensive reading to specify topics and to find sources for other landscape analyses in people environment studies to relate your own work to.
Bengtsson, A., 2015. From experiences of the outdoors to the design of healthcare environments. Doctoral Thesis No. 66. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae. Swedish University of Agricultural Science. Pp. 21-26, available at:
Bengtsson, A., Grahn, P., 2014. Outdoor environments in healthcare settings: A quality evaluation tool for use in designing healthcare gardens, *Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 13 *(4), 878-891. (Available as e-journal at SLU Library)
Giusti, M. & Samuelsson, K. (2020). The regenerative compatibility: a synergy between healthy ecosystems, environmental attitudes, and restorative experiences. PLOS ONE, 15 (1).
Grahn P., Stigsdotter U., Berggren-Bärring A-M., 2005. A planning model for designing sustainable and healthy cities. The importance of people’s need of recreational environments in an urban context. Post-conference proceedings, NAEP, Alexandria. (Available at Canvas)
Grahn, P., Tenngart Ivarsson, C., Stigsdotter, U., Bengtsson, I-L., 2010. Using affordances as a health promoting tool in a therapeutic garden. In: Ward Thompson, C., Aspinall, P., Bell, S., (Eds.), Innovative Approaches to Researching Landscape and Health: Open Space: People Space 2, Routledge, New York, pp. 116-154. (Available at Canvas)
Gyllin, M., Grahn, P., 2005. A semantic model for assessing the experience of urban biodiversity. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 3, 149-161. (Available as e-journal at SLU Library)
Hartig, T., Korpela, K., Evans, G. W. and Gärling, T., 1997. A Measure of Restorative Quality in Environments. Scandinavian Housing & Planning Research 14, 175-194. (Available as e-journal at SLU Library)
Hedfors, P., Berg, P., 2003. The sounds of two landscape settings: auditory concepts for physical planning and design. Ladscape Research 28(3), 245-263. (Available as e-journal at SLU Library)
Hagerhall, C., Laike, T., Kuller, M., Marcheschi, E., Boydston, C., Taylor R., (2015). Human physiological benefits of viewing nature: EEG responses to exact and statistical fractal patterns. Nonlinear Dynamics Psychol Life Sci. 19 (1), 1-12. (Available at Canvas)
Kaplan, R., Kaplan, S., 1989. The Experience of Nature. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, MA. (Chapters 2 and 6, SLU Library)
Kyttä, M. (2004). The extent of children’s independent mobility and the number of actualized affordances as criteria for child-friendly environments. Journal of Environmental Psychology. 24(2). 179-198). (Available at Canvas)
Lynch, K. 1960. The Image of the City. Cambridge, London, The M.I.T. Press. (Pp. 46-90, available at Canvas)
Mårtensson, F. 2013. Guiding environmental dimensions for outdoor play. SMT 90(4), 658-665. (Available at:
Mårtensson F., Boldemann, C., Söderström, M., Blennow, M., Englund, J-E., Grahn, P., 2009. Outdoor Environmental Assessment of Attention Promoting Settings for preschool children – part of salutogenic concept. Health and place 15, 1149-1157. (Available as e-journal at SLU Library)
Schafer, M. 1993. The Soundscape: our sonic environment and the tuning of the world. Destiny Books, Rochester, Vt. (Pp. 3-12, 205-213, 246-259, available at Canvas)
Stoltz, J., Lundell, Y., Skärbäck, E. et al. 2016. Planning for restorative forests: describing stress-reducing qualities of forest stands using available forest stand data. European Journal of Forest Research, 1-11. (Available at Canvas)
Stoltz, J., Grahn, P., 2021. Perceived sensory dimensions: An evidence-based approach to greenspace aesthetics. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, Volume 59,
Swedish Legislation, 2004. Accessibility and usability in public spaces BFS 2004:15 - ALM 1. National Board of Housing, Building and Planning. Available at:
Taylor, R. P., Spehar, B., Van Donkelaar, P., Hagerhall, C. M., 2011. Perceptual and Physiological Responses to Jackson Pollock’s Fractals. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 5 (60), 1-13. (Available at Canvas)
Ulrich, R., 1999. Effects of gardens in health outcomes: Theory and research. In C.Cooper Marcus and M. Barnes (Eds.), Healing Gardens (pp. 27-86). New York:John Wiley & Sons. (Available at SLU Library)
Topic specific literature
Intensive reading of literature originating from topic specific searches conducted by the students individually, with optional guidance from the library staff:
The topic specific literature should include at least three different pieces of litterature.