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Accelerating climate resilient plant breeding by applying-omics and artificial intelligence

Objective and Content:

The last years’ rapid technological advancements have enabled genome-scale capturing of biological processes. Analysis of genetic variance and gene expression by Next-generation Sequencing (NGS) as well as protein and metabolite identification by mass spectrometry are today common techniques used in many laboratories. However, combining different types of data and making biological sense out of large datasets remains challenging. The generation of such large datasets - often referred to as ‘- omics’ data - demands partly new considerations for experimental set-ups, sampling, data analysis and visualization. Simultaneously, rapid advancement is undergone within remote sensing and satellite analysis enabling new ways to phenotype plants, which need to be linked to ‘-omics’ and other data.

Applying artificial intelligence (AI) to interpret large datasets another possibility, which is rapidly advancing. These methods will have importance in the future development plant breeding and sustainable agriculture and forestry.

This course will provide theoretical and practical aspects to generate and use ‘-omics’ data as well as remote sensing for plant breeding - from sampling to interpreting the results and finding biologically relevant conclusions. The emphasis will be on plant phenomics, genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and microbiomics. Strategies both in outdoor and controlled environments will be covered. Suitable statistical and visualization methods to deal with the variation in this type of data will be presented. Ways of applying AI for data interpretation will be demonstrated.

The overall goal is to point out the possibilities in using ‘-omics’ and AI for plant breeding but also to highlight possible pitfalls.

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