Ny sökning

Dynamisk modellering av växtodlingssystem

The content focus on the operation of the crop model. Participants will learn the principles of modelling cropping systems, inputs, and basic simulations. Aspects such as model calibration, validation, and results interpretation will be discussed.

Learning Outcomes

Course participants are expected to be able to run APSIM using their own data and for specific purposes that will contribute to their PhD project/Thesis. In terms of knowledge, participants are expected to acquire the most advanced theory and latest concepts related to crop modelling and how they can be used to support agricultural decision systems. Regarding skills, after completing the course participants are expected to be able to perform specific modelling tasks connected to problem-solving and decision-making processes. Finally, in terms of competences, participants will have intellectual capabilities to tackle real-life problems related to crop production, agronomic management and environmental questions, developing new knowledge and being able to communicate it.

Kursplan och övrig information