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Plant ploidy with Brassica species as learning models

The presence of multiple copies of identical or similar chromosome sets in one species, is an important feature of species evolution in the plant, animal, and fungal kingdoms. Polyploidy is widely considered to be an enabling force in evolution. Because chromosome sets are duplicated in polyploids, heterozygosity may be fixed, and random mutation or factors modulating gene expression may be buffered so new genes and gene functions may evolve, leaving the original function in the other chromosome set. Polyploidy is seen in, as many as 50% of angiosperm plant species and several additional species are paleopolyploids.

The course consists of seven two-hour classes focusing on topics highlighted in the different chapters in the E-book "The Brassica napus genome". The course starts with a brief introduction of the topic and handout of additional reading suggestions. Responsibility for different chapters are divided between the students. The topics in the chapters cover: Deciphering Genome Organization of the Polyploid Brassica napus // Quantity, Distribution, and Evolution of Major Repeats in Brassica napus // Transposons // From Alpha-Duplication to Triplication and Sextuplication // Homoeologous Exchanges and Gene Losses Generate Diversity and Differentiate the B. napus Genome from that of Its Ancestors // Fractionization of Polyploid Duplicated Genes: Gene Loss, Expression Divergence, and Epigenetic Regulation in Brassica napus // Brassica Mitochondrial and Chloroplast Genomes.

Each class starts with a short briefing of the chapter by a student, including highlights of important specific aspects. Selected papers associated with the topic are distributed on beforehand and integrated into the discussion. All participants should prepare at least two questions/comments on the selected chapter and send to the chairing student well in time. All questions will be discussed at the class meeting. A few external scientists will be invited to give talks on relevant topics in other polyploid plant species. Such seminars will be open for all interested.

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