Ny sökning

Kritiska perspektiv på jordbruksförändring

This PhD course aims to give PhD students an overview of critical agrarian studies, focusing on both historical and contemporary agrarian change. The main focus is understanding agrarian change and its drivers, how farmers have reacted, and how change has affected rural livelihoods, the environment, and food security from the era of agricultural modernization and industrialization, beginning in the mid-1800s, through the current restructuring of agro-food systems around the world. Hence, this course will deal with varied transformations in different time periods and places in the Global South and North (building on both teachers’ and students’ familiarity with cases), and theoretical debates about the significance of these transformations, tracing how discussions in agrarian political economy have evolved over the last (roughly) 150 years.

This course is conceived primarily as a theoretical course, helping participating PhD students to comprehend concepts both within agrarian political economy – such as primitive accumulation, agricultural production and labor relations, food regimes, food sovereignty, agro-ecology, and financialization – and from the recent "more than human" turn in agrarian studies – such as abstract social nature, plantliness, affordances and the plantationocene. Importantly, the course will also cover how debates around these concepts inform discussions on such topics as food security, the green revolution, climate change and environmental degradation, and the future of agriculture. Finally, the farmer perspective will also be taken into account in this course, and how it can be related to the concepts and debates mentioned above.

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