Ny sökning

Hållbarhet i en globaliserad värld

This course is envisioned as a way to further develop the generic skills repertoire of doctoral students, giving them an opportunity to approach sustainability from a critical lens in their future careers, including in teaching and research.

The course content will be divided into four modules:

Module 1: Introduction to sustainable development including the SDG impact assessment tool (Marnie Hancke, SLU).

This module will give an introduction to sustainable development and the SDGs. By using his/hers own research project in the process of self-evaluation, PhD students will identify the project’s opportunities, risks and knowledge gaps and subsequently have a better understanding how the project relates to the SDGs.

Module 2: Intercultural competence (Natalie Jellinek, SLU)

Working towards the implementation and achievement of the SDGs will require increased collaboration across borders, universities, and disciplines. This module will explore the meaning of culture in different contexts and its potential impact on international collaboration and teamwork, while also considering teaching and learning implications. PhD students will reflect on how to work across cultures and effectively communicate with those who might be different from them.

Module 3: Education for sustainable development (ESD) (Peter Aspengren, SLU)

ESD is about what to teach, how to teach and how to interact with students. In this module, the PhD students will work with sustainability issues considering the environmental, social and economic perspectives in their research and teaching, linking theoretical facts with real-life issues. The module will also explore different definitions of sustainability and ESD in order to be able to understand how the seemingly objective world of research interacts with a world full of attitudes, values and agendas.

Module 4: The Theory of Change approach (Isabel Vogel, UK)

Translating research into action is important for achieving the SDGs. This module will cover aspects on how scientific knowledge can be translated into action by using the concept of Theory of Change (ToC), and how to measure research impact. PhD students will apply the ToC framework on their own research projects to learn how to design, plan, manage and revise research projects for increased impact and relevance.

Kursplan och övrig information


Ämne: Other Social Science
Kurskod: POG0087 Plats: Ortsoberoende Distanskurs: Ja Undervisningsspråk: Engelska Studietakt: 25%