
Keeli Curtis

Keeli Curtis


My research focuses on forestry advisory services in Sweden. I am particularly interested in how public and private governance actors share information and advice with forest owners. I love working with multilevel approaches and the concept of 'landscape.' I have an interdisciplinary background and work with primarily qualitative analyses. 

My supervisory team includes Vilis Brukas, Luis Andrés Guillén Alm, and Dianne Staal Wästerlund.  


I have a background in forestry and sustainability science. I completed my bachelor's in forestry from Purdue University in 2016. As part of my bachelor program, I did an exchange year at BOKU in Vienna. I worked with invasive species and ecosystem restoration in the US, and I have done many seasons of inventory work in both the US and Sweden. 

I completed my master's in environmental studies and sustainability science (LUMES) from Lund University in 2020. I then worked at the Swedish Forest Agency as a forestry consultant before starting my PhD at SLU. 
