
Stephanie Leder-Büttner (née Leder)

Stephanie Leder
Associate Professor at the Department of Urban and Rural Development with interests in feminist political ecology, water governance, food security, agrarian change, and Education for Sustainable Development.


Stephanie Leder-Büttner's latest research explores the feminization of agriculture in contexts of rural out-migration and natural resource management. She currently leads two projects: 

The Future of Agrarian Mountain Livelihoods (FAML): Youth Aspirations and Irrigation Modernisation in Nepal (FORMAS, 4 Mio. SEK, 2024-2028)

This project aims to generate a new understanding of how water resource governance can become more youth-inclusive. It's a 4-year early career FORMAS grant project in collaboration with Gitta Shrestha, Dr Marien Gonzalez-Hidalgo (SLU) and Dr Amina Maharjan (ICIMOD).

Revitalizing community-managed irrigation systems in contexts of out-migration in Nepal (FORMAS, 4.5 Mio. SEK, 2019-2025)

This project is a four-year Mobility Grant of FORMAS, the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning with collaborations as visiting scientist/fellow at IDE (UK), UBC (Canada), SIAS (Nepal) and UNU-EHS (Germany).

From 2014-2017 she was a Postdoctoral Fellow for Gender, Poverty and Institutions at the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) in Nepal, and led studies in inter- and transdisciplinary projects within the Consultative Group of International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Program “Water, Land and Ecosystems” in India, Nepal and Bangladesh.

She holds a PhD in Human Geography from the University of Cologne, Germany. She studied geography, English, biology and educational sciences at the University of Cologne and the University of New Brunswick, Canada. For her PhD thesis, she conducted empirical research on Education for Sustainable Development in policy, textbooks and practice by examining geography teaching on water resources at secondary schools in Pune, India. Her book "Transformative Pedagogic Practice" is published with Springer 2018.

Please visit her homepage:



Feminist Political Ecology and Transformative Change: Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Practice

Food Security in the Global South

Environment and Society: Water, Gender & Education for Sustainable Development

Gender relations and water resource management 



The Future of Agrarian Mountain Livelihoods (FAML): Youth Aspirations and Irrigation Modernisation in Nepal (PI, FORMAS, 4 Mio. SEK, 2024-2028)


Gitta Shrestha, SLU

Dr. Marien Gonzalez-Hidalgo, SLU

Dr. Amina Maharjan, ICIMOD

Revitalizing community-managed irrigation systems in contexts of out-migration in Nepal (PI, FORMAS, 4.5 Mio. SEK, 2019-2025)


Lyla Mehta, Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Sussex, UK

Leila Harries, Institute of Resources, Environment and Sustainability (IRES), University of British Columbia, Canada

Dil Khatri, Southasia Insititute of Advanced Studies (SIAS), Kathmandu, Nepal

Kees van der Geest, UN University - Institute for Environment and Human Security, Bonn, Germany

Project Link on SLU:



I welcome master thesis supervision requests within the fields of my interests.


Happiness Mlula: Water governance in small towns: The role of local actors in domestic water service provision in Kabuku, Tanzania (2020 - 2024, main supervisor), funded by SIDA, Ph.D. in Landscape Architecture and Planning, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in collaboration with Ardhi University, Tanzania

Gitta Shrestha: Youth Aspirations, Hydropower and Irrigation Modernisation in Nepal (2024-2028, main supervisor), funded by FORMAS

Mia Ågren: Rethinking Landscape Justice at the Intersections of Densification and Urban Greening (2022 – 2025, co-supervisor), funded by the FORMAS 

Sarthak Shukla: The end of coal and the future of land: Transformative mine closures for just and sustainable livelihoods in India (2023-2026, co-supervisor), funded by Vetenskapsrådet, Swedish Research Council)

Publikationer i urval

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

Leder, S., Upadhyaya, R., van der Geest, K., Adhikari, Y., Büttner, M. (2024): “Rural out-migration and water governance: Gender and social relations mediate and sustain irrigation systems in Nepal” World Development 177. 106544.

Leder, S. (2024): “Translocal resource governance, social relations and aspirations: Linking translocality and feminist political ecology to explore farmer-managed irrigation systems and migration in Nepal”. Geoforum 148. 103905.

Leder, S. (2022): “Beyond the “Feminisation of Agriculture”: Rural out-migration, changing gender relations and emerging spaces in natural resource management” Journal of Rural Studies 91. 157-169.

Buisson, M.-C., Clement, F., Leder, S. (2022): “Empowerment and the will to change: Evidence from Nepal.” Journal of Rural Studies 94: 128-139

Gonda, N., Leder, S., González-Hidalgo, M., Chiwona- Karltun, L., Stiernström, A., Hajdu, F., Asztalos Morell, I. Fischer, K., Kadfak, A., Arvidsson, A. (2021): “Critical reflexivity in political ecology research: how can the coronavirus pandemic transform us into better researchers?” Special Issue: Political Ecologies of COVID-19 in Frontiers in Human Dynamics 3 (41).

Nguyen, T., Leder, S., Schrüfer, G. (2021): Recontextualising Education for Sustainable Development in pedagogic practice in Vietnam: linking Bernsteinian and constructivist perspectives. Environmental Education Research 27 (3). 313-337.

Sugden, F., Agarwal, B.; Leder, S.; Saikia, P.; Raut, M.; Kumar, A.; Ray, D. (2020): "Experiments in farmer collectives in eastern India and Nepal: process, benefits and challenges" Journal of Agrarian Change 21 (1). 90-121.

Ravula, P., Kasala, K., Pramanik, S., Duche, V., Yadav, U., Whitbread, A., Singh, R., Garg, K., Leder, S. (2020): Gender transformative impacts from watershed interventions: Insights from a mixed methods study in the Bundelkhand region, India. Transactions of the ASABE 63 (1): 153-163.

Leder, S., Sugden, F., Raut, M., Ray, D., Saikia, P.(2019): ”Ambivalences of Collective Farming: Feminist Political Ecologies from the Eastern Gangetic Plains” International Journal of the Commons 13(1): 105-129.

Clement, F., Buisson, M., Leder, S., Balasubramanya, S., Saikia, P., Bastakoti, R., Karki, E., van Koppen, B.,  (2019): “From women’s empowerment to food security: Revisiting global discourses through a cross-country analysis” Global Food Security 23. 160-172. 

Leder, S., Shrestha, G., Das, D. (2019): “Transformative engagements with gender relations in agriculture and water governance.” New Angle: Nepal Journal of Social Science and Public Policy 5 (1): 128-158.

Leder, S., Khatri, D., Ojha, H., (2019): “EDITORIAL: Water security and inclusive water governance in the Himalayas” New Angle: Nepal Journal of Social Science and Public Policy 5 (1): 1-6.

Leder, S., Clement, F., Karki E. (2017): “Reframing women’s empowerment in water security programs in Western Nepal” Gender and Development 25 (2). 235-251.

Leder, S., Bharucha, E. (2015): “Changing the Educational Landscape in India by Transnational Policies: New Perspectives Promoted through Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)” ASIEN 134 (1): 167-192.

Chandramukhee, Leder, S. (2013): “Dowry practices and gendered space in urban Patna/India” Gender Forum 42: 54-69.


Book Chapters

Leder, S., Shrestha, G., Upadhyaya, R., Adhikari, Y. (2021): COVID-19, gender and small-scale farming in Nepal. In: Castellanos, P., Sachs, C., Tickamyer, A.: Gender, Food, and COVID-19. Global Stories of Harm and Hope. New York: Routledge. 3-12. 

Arora-Jonsson, S., Leder, S. (2020): “Gender Mainstreaming in Agricultural and Forestry Institutions” In: Sachs, C, Sexsmith, K., Jensen, L., Castellanos, P.: Routledge Handbook of Gender and Agriculture. New York: Routledge. 15-31.

Pyburn, R., Kruijssen, F., Newton, J., Allen, P., Sexsmith, K., Ransom, E., Alston, M., Brandth, B., Arora-Jonsson, S., Southard, E., Jensen, L., Whitley, H., Mittal, S., Leder, S., Lope-Alzina, D., Ahern, M., Choudhury, A., Rajaratnam, S., Hoffelmeyer, M., Bryant, L. (2020): Epilogue: Gender, agriculture, and shifting food systems under coronavirus global pandemic. In: Sachs, C, Sexsmith, K., Jensen, L., Castellanos, P.: Routledge Handbook of Gender and Agriculture. New York: Routledge. 435-452.

Leder, S., Sachs, C. (2019): “Intersectionality on the Gender- Agriculture Nexus: Relational life histories and additive sex-disaggregated indices” In: Sachs, C.: Gender, Agriculture and Agrarian Transformations. Changing relations in Africa, Latin America and Asia. Routledge Earthscan. p. 75-92.

Leder, S. (2015): “Feldforschung, Dokumentenanalyse, und Aktionsforschung – Ein geographiedidaktisches Forschungsdesign für den internationalen Kontext” (Fieldwork, document analyses and action research – a geography education research design for international contexts). In: Budke, A., Kuckuck, M.: Geographiedidaktische Forschungsmethoden. Berlin: Praxis neue Kulturgeographie. Lit-Verlag. 269-291.

Leder, S. (2015): “Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung durch Argumentation im Geographieunterricht” (Education for sustainable development through argumentation in geography teaching). In: Budke, A. et al.: Fachlich Argumentieren lernen. Münster: Waxmann. 138-150.

Leder, S. (2014): “Barrieren und Möglichkeiten einer Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung in Indien” (Barriers and opportunities for Education for Sustainable Development in India). In: Hemmer, I., Müller, M. & Trappe, M. (Hrsg.): Nachhaltigkeit neu denken. Rio + X. Impulse für Bildung und Wissenschaft. (Re-thinking sustainability. Rio + X. Impulses for Education and Science). München: Oekom-Verlag. 195-201.



Leder, S. (2018): “Transformative Pedagogic Practice. Education for Sustainable Development and Water Conflicts in Indian Geography Education“ Singapore: Springer Publisher. Education for Sustainability Book Series. ISBN 978 – 981 – 13-2368 -3.


Theses (Published Monographs)

Leder, S. (2016): “Pedagogic practice and the transformative potential of Education for Sustainable Development. Argumentation on water conflicts in geography teaching in Pune/India” PhD thesis. Universität zu Köln. KUPS - Kölner UniversitätsPublikationsServer.

Leder, S. (2010): “Zugang zur Gesundheitsversorgung für Kinder in Mumbai, Indien.” (Access to health care services for children in Mumbai, India). Master thesis, Universität zu Köln. KUPS - Kölner UniversitätsPublikationsServer.


Research Reports (published)

Schmidt E, F Sugden, M Scobie, M Mainuddin, S Leder, R Mishra, B Thapa, R Bastakoti, S da Silva (2019). Improving water use for dry season agriculture by marginal and tenant farmers in the Eastern Gangetic Plains. Canberra: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. 114 p.

Schmidt E, F Sugden, M Scobie, M Mainuddin, S Leder, R Mishra, B Thapa, R Bastakoti, S da Silva (2019). Improving water use for dry season agriculture by marginal and tenant farmers in the Eastern Gangetic Plains Addressing constraints of irrigated agriculture by women and marginal farmers. Project Summary. Canberra: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. 20 p.

Sugden, F., Stephanie Leder, Bina Agarwal, Panchali Saikia, Manita Raut, Anoj Kumar, Dhananjay Ray. (2018). Farmer collectives to overcome agrarian stress and inequalities: learnings and opportunities from the Eastern Gangetic Plains. Working Paper. Canberra: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research.

Leder, S. (2018): Gender relations in irrigation and collective farming. Chapter of the Final Report of the Project “Dry-season irrigation for marginal and tenant farmers in the Eastern Gangetic Plains. Australian Center of International Agricultural Research (ACIAR).

de Silva, S., Leder, S. (2017): “Agricultural innovations for water security in North West Bangladesh from institutional, gender, food and livelihood security perspectives. Groundwater irrigation technology adoption in Rangpur and Thakurgaon Districts” IWMI-DSI4MTF Project Report. 72 pages.

Leder, S. (2017): “Gender norms and relations in an agricultural watershed project in Jhansi, India. A qualitative gender study of the ICRISAT-CAFRI project “Enhancing groundwater recharge and water use efficiency in SAT region through watershed interventions in Parasai-Sindh“ funded by the Coca-Cola India Foundation for Rural Water Infrastructure. WLE-IWMI Project report, unpublished.

Leder, S. (2016): “Linking Women’s Empowerment and their Resilience. Literature Review” BRACED/CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 27 pages.

Leder, S. (2015): “Gendered Access to Water within the Feminisation of Agriculture”. IWMI Project Report for “Dry-season irrigation for marginal and tenant farmers”, Australian Center of International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), unpublished

Book Reviews

Leder, S. (2017): “Gender Issues in Water and Sanitation Programmes: Lessons from India” South Asian Water Studies – SAWAS Journal. Special Issue on Water Justice, Gender and Disability 6(1). 59- 62.

Leder, S. (2015): “Uncovering schooling ideals and student culture: the case of India” Book Review of Thapan, Meenakshi (Ed.): Ethnographies of Schooling in Contemporary India. Books and


Conference Papers (published)

Leder, S. (2017): „Farmer collectives and shifting gender relations in the Eastern Gangetic Plains” International Association for the Studies of the Commons (IASC). Digital Library of the Commons. 35 pages.

Leder, S. (2017): “Auswirkungen der Emigration auf die landwirtschaftlichen Strukturen in der östlichen Gangesebene” (Migration effects on agrarian structures in the Eastern Gangetic Plains). Südasien 5: 22-25.

Leder, S. (2014): “Das indische Bildungssystem im Wandel: Zwischen traditionellen Unterrichtspraktiken und dem Anspruch einer Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung” (The Indian educational system in change: between traditional teaching practices and the call for Education for Sustainable Development). Südasien 2: 18-21.


Participatory Gender Training Manual

Leder, S., Das, D., Reckers, A., Karki, E. (2016): “Participatory Gender Training for Community Groups. A Manual for Critical Discussions on Gender Norms, Roles and Relations“ CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 50 pages.


Policy Briefs

Sugden, F., Schmidt, E., Leder, S. et al. (2018): Improving dry season irrigation for marginal and tenant farmers through collective farming. Policies and Institutional Framework for Effective Water Management at a Local Level in the Eastern Gangetic Plains.

Leder, S. (2015): “Engaging youth in water, land and ecosystems“ CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE).



“Participatory Gender Training for Community Groups. Experiences from Nepal. IWMI-media, 12 minute documentation.


Blog Posts

Leder, S. & Shrestha (2020): Covid-19, gender and small-scale farming in Nepal. Penn State Blog – Gender, Food, Agriculture and the Coronovirus

Shrestha, G. & Leder, S. (2020): To counter COVID-19 in Nepal, we must support small-scale women farmers. Thrive Blog. CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE).

Kadfak, A. & Leder, S. (2019):  What does male out-migration mean for women in rural South Asia? SIANI - Swedish International Agriculture Network Initiative

(2018): Gender and space in the neo-liberal academy? Reflections from a feminist geographies summer school. Gender, Place and Culture - a journal for feminist geography.

Leder, S. & Clement, F. (2017): Why access to water may not benefit all women equally. Oxfam Policy & Practice.

Leder, S., Signs, M. (2016): “Empowering women for 50-50?“ Thrive Blog. CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE).

Leder, S., Das, D. (2016): “A gender-sensitive approach to dry season irrigation: Piloting a participatory gender training for farmers in Saptari, Nepal” ACIAR-Project Blog on Improving water use for dry season agriculture by marginal and tenant farmers in the Eastern Gangetic Plains”

Leder, S. (2016): “A space to reflect. Reflections of a postdoc at the Gender Research and Integrated Training (GRIT) for CGIAR post-doctoral fellows at Pennsylvania State University“ CGIAR Gender in Agriculture Network Blog.

Leder, S. (2015): “How should we engage youth in agriculture?” Thrive Blog. CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE).





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CGIAR Research Program "Water, Land and Ecosystems"


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