Ny sökning

Värdekedjans nätverk med tillämpning i bioekonomin

Kursen genomförs med hjälp av en uppsättning litteraturseminarier, gästföreläsningar med representanter från lantbrukssektorn och livsmedelsindustrin samt fallstudier värdekedjor.

Kursen använder empiriska exempel från bl a lantbrukssektorn, livsmedelsindustrin och bioekonomin, i Sverige, Europa och i utvecklingsländer. Olika teoretiska perspektiv och analytiska metoder används: industriell ekonomi, organisationsteori, transaktionskostnadsteori, agentteori, nyinstitutionell ekonomi, analys av sociala nätverk samt värdekedjans management.

Information från kursledaren

Welcome to the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Here you find important information that will be useful before arriving to Sweden and while you are a student. https://student.slu.se/en/studies/new-student/check-list/ • You need to have a student account in order to access Ladok Student at SLU and to sign up for exams. • You must be admitted and registered to attend the course. Unregistered students may NOT stay on the premises, for reasons of insurance. • You have to register yourself via Ladok Student. The self-registration is open 5 workdays before the start of the course and 3 days after. If you have been admitted to the course with conditions, you cannot register online and must contact the course leader who decides if you can still register. Only registered students can participate in the course and have access to, for example, Canvas. • If you want to receive text messages with updates for the course, for example in case of cancelled lectures or room changes, please check that the correct mobile number is in Ladok Student. • During the second week of the course there will be a mandatory control of attendance. If you don´t participate in the control you risk losing your place on the course. • If you need special support, please inform the course leader at the start of the course, so that special arrangements can be made for example at the examination. Certificates from Nais shall be displayed every time. https://student.slu.se/en/study-support/study-support/funka/ • If you cancel the course, you should immediately notify the course leader via email, who in turn informs the educational administration to register a course break in Ladok. • You are automatically registered for the ordinary exams in Ladok Student. You can find your anonymous code in Ladok Student. Please note that you still have to register yourself for the re-exam in Ladok Student. This applies only to exams and re-exams within the department of economics. • Corrected exams can usually be collected Wednesdays from 12.30 - 14.30 in room D416 or D417 in Ulls Hus. During Covid-19 and the restrictions we ask you to e-mail us at ekon-adm@slu.se for help with collecting exams. If you have any questions, please contact the administration by emailing ekon-adm@slu.se

Welcome to “Value Chains & Networks in the Bioeconomy”-FÖ0454
Dear Participants! We would like to welcome you to the Value Chains & Networks in the Bioeconomy course (FÖ0454). On Monday (January 18th, 2021), the first lecture will take place at 09:15 via Zoom. The course is based on a set of guest lectures, which will be given by colleagues from SLU and Wageningen University (The Netherlands) as well as from Swedish private and NGO organizations. The guest lecturers will be sharing teaching responsibilities with me for this course. Please refer to the “Timetable” section on this page for more details about the schedule of the lectures. Please be noted that the course schedule is not final and few minor changes may be applied. Please be noted that a decision on whether the classes will be digital, on-campus, or hybrid of both, will be made during the next few weeks. Please remember to register for the course in Ladok! Best regards, Assem Abu Hatab


Kursvärderingen är avslutad

FÖ0454-30183 - Sammanställning av kursvärdering

Efter att kursvärderingen stängt har kursansvarig och studentrepresentanten upp till en månad på sig att skriva kommentarer. De publiceras automatiskt i sammanställningen.

Andra kursvärderingar för FÖ0454

Läsåret 2023/2024

Värdekedjans nätverk med tillämpning i bioekonomin (FÖ0454-40162)

2024-03-20 - 2024-06-02

Läsåret 2022/2023

Värdekedjans nätverk med tillämpning i bioekonomin (FÖ0454-30133)

2023-01-16 - 2023-03-21

Läsåret 2021/2022

Värdekedjans nätverk med tillämpning i bioekonomin (FÖ0454-30207)

2022-01-17 - 2022-03-23

Läsåret 2019/2020

Värdekedjans nätverk med tillämpning i bioekonomin (FÖ0454-30169)

2020-01-20 - 2020-03-24

Läsåret 2018/2019

Värdekedjans nätverk med tillämpning i bioekonomin (FÖ0454-30195)

2019-01-21 - 2019-03-25

Kursplan och övrig information


Grading Criteria

Value Chains and Networks in the Bio-economy (Fö0454)


Learning Outcomes (LOs)







The student discusses relationships and governance of agri-food value chains in the bio-economy from theoretical and applied perspectives.

The student thoroughly analyzes and discusses different organizational forms and governance structures in the agri-food value chain

The student demonstrates a critical approach to reported findings from the analysis of the organization and governance in value chains, with relevant theoretical connections.

The student critically analyzes and compares the roles of agri-food value chain and organizations in a variety of institutional environments.

The student assess networks of linkages between individuals and organizations in agri-food value chains and argues for possible alternative networks in agri-food value chains.


The student explains concepts related to value chains and networks in the bioeconomy correctly.

The student selects appropriate methods to analyze various organizational forms and governance structures in the agri-food value chain.

The student appropriately interprets the findings of the analysis of organization and governance in value chains, and applies them correctly.

The student discusses roles of agri-food value chain and organizations in a variety of institutional environments.

The student analyzes and discusses networks of linkages between individuals and organizations in agri-food value chains.


The student describes key concepts related to the organization of value chains and networks in relation to the overall bioeconomy.

The student analyzes various organizational forms and governance structures in the agri-food value chain.

The student applies qualitative and quantitative tools to analyze organization and governance in value chains.

The student maps and analyzes the role of the agri-food value chain and organizations in a variety of institutional environments

The student maps and analyzes networks of linkages between individuals and organizations in agri-food value chains.


Written exam & assignments 1 and 2

Written exam & project work

Written exam and project work

Written exam & project work

Written exam & project work


  1. Risk perception and determinants in agrifood small & medium-sized enterprises amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from Egypt. Agribusiness: International Journal (November 20th, 2020) Författare: - Abu Hatab, A., Lagerkvist, C.J. & Esmat, A. 2020. 1) Measuring supply chain performance. International journal of operations & production management, 19(3) Författare: Beamon, B.M., 1999. Kommentar: pp.275-292.
  2. A value-mapping tool for sustainable business modelling. Corporate Governance, 13(5). Författare: Bocken, N., Short, S., Rana, P. and Evans, S., 2013. Kommentar: pp.482-497.
  3. A review and evaluation of circular business model innovation tools. Sustainability, 11(8). Författare: Bocken, N., Strupeit, L., Whalen, K. and Nußholz, J., 2019. Kommentar: p.2210.
  4. Supply Chain Management. Strategy, Planning, and Operation. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River: NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Författare: Chopra, S., Meindl, P. 2016. 1) Supply chain management. Pearson. Författare: Christopher M. 2011. 1) Strategic supply chain mapping approaches. Journal of Business Logistics, 24(2) Författare: Gardner, J.T. and Cooper, M.C., 2003. Kommentar: pp.37-64.
  5. The asymmetric relationship between attribute-level performance and overall customer satisfaction: a reconsideration of the importance–performance analysis. Industrial marketing management, 33(4). Författare: Matzler, K., Bailom, F., Hinterhuber, H.H., Renzl, B. and Pichler, J., 2004. Kommentar: pp.271-277.
  6. Support for farmers’ cooperatives: Final report, Wageningen: Wageningen UR: 1-127. [For February 3rd] Författare: Bijman, J., Iliopoulos, C., Poppe, K.J., Gijselinckx, C., Hagedorn, K., Hanisch, M., Hendrikse, G.W.J., Kühl, R., Ollila, P., and Pyykkönen, P. 2012. 1) Organisation of German livestock production from the bottom up: a new institutional economic analysis of dairy cattle breeding. Journal on Chain and Network Science, 16(1). Författare: Höhler, J. and Kühl, R., 2016. Kommentar: pp.7-18.
  7. Measuring the Benefits of smallholder farmer membership in producer?controlled vertical value chains: Survey findings from a development project in East Africa. Poverty & Public Policy, 5(4). Författare: O'Brien, D.J., Banwart, L. and Cook, M.L., 2013. Kommentar: pp.399-416. [For February 4th]
  8. The route to sustainability—prospects and challenges of the bio-based economy. Sustainability, 9(6) Författare: Bennich, T. and Belyazid, S., 2017. Kommentar: p.887.
  9. Why are cooperatives important in agriculture? An organizational economics perspective. Journal of Institutional Economics, 3(1). Författare: Valentinov, V. 2007. Kommentar: pp. 55-69. [For February 3rd]
  10. Additional sources: Kommentar: For those who have a special interest in cooperatives, the following link is useful: https://monitor.coop/en
  11. The cooperative yardstick revisited: panel evidence from the European dairy sectors. Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization, 11(1). Författare: Hanisch, M., Rommel, J., & Müller, M. (2013). 1) The pro-competitive effect of coffee cooperatives in Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization, 10(1). Författare: Milford, A. B. (2012). 1) Status and the demand for visible goods: Experimental evidence on conspicuous consumption. Experimental Economics, 21(4). Författare: Clingingsmith, D., & Sheremeta, R. M. (2018). Kommentar: pp. 877-904.
  12. Moral dimensions of the WTA–WTP disparity: An experimental examination. Ecological Economics, 32(1). Författare: Anderson, J., Vadnjal, D., & Uhlin, H. E. (2000). Kommentar: pp. 153-162.
  13. The consequences of voluntary traceability system for supply chain relationships. An application of transaction cost economics. Food Policy, 33(6) Författare: Banterle, A. and Stranieri, S., 2008. Kommentar: pp.560- 569.
  14. Ten rules of thumb in contract design: lessons from Danish agriculture. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 29(2) Författare: Bogetoft, P. and Olesen, H.B., 2002. Kommentar: pp.185-204.
  15. On social network analysis in a supply chain context. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 45(2). Författare: Borgatti, S.P. and Li, X., 2009. Kommentar: pp.5-22.
  16. The Economics of Contracts: Theory and Applications”. Cambridge University Press. Författare: Brousseau, E., and Glachant, J.M. 2004. Kommentar: Chapter 1
  17. Contracting and gender equity in Tanzania: using a value chain approach to understand the role of gender in organic spice certification. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 33(1) Författare: - Bullock, R., Gyau, A., Mithoefer, D. and Swisher, M., 2018. Kommentar: pp.60-72.
  18. Why can collective action fail in local agri-food systems? A social network analysis of cheese producers in Aculco, Mexico. Food Policy, 46, Författare: Crespo, J., Réquier-Desjardins, D. and Vicente, J., 2014. Kommentar: pp.165-177.
  19. Institutions and Economic Theory: The Contribution of New Institutional Economics. University of Michigan Press (Second Edition). Författare: Furubotn, E.G., and Richter, R. 2005. Kommentar: Chapters 2 and 5
  20. A transaction cost approach to supply chain management. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 1(2), Författare: Hobbs, J.E., 1996. Kommentar: pp.15-27.
  21. Managing the pork supply chain through a cooperative: the case of Jinzhong Food Co. Ltd. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 20(3), Författare: Ji, C., Jia, F. and Trienekens, J., 2017. Kommentar: pp.415-426.
  22. Empirical research in transaction cost economics: a review and assessment. Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization Författare: Shelanski, H.A. and Klein, P.G., 1995. Kommentar: pp.335-361.
  23. When and when not to vertically integrate. MIT Sloan Management Review, 34(3) Författare: Stuckey, J. and White, D., 1993. Kommentar: p.71.
  24. Social network analysis for organizations. Academy of management review, 4(4) Författare: Tichy, N.M., Tushman, M.L. and Fombrun, C., 1979. Kommentar: pp.507-519.
  25. An analysis of value in an organic food supply chain. British Food Journal, 115(10) Författare: - Marques Vieira, L., Dutra De Barcellos, M., Hoppe, A. and Bitencourt da Silva, S., 2013. Kommentar: pp.1454-1472.
  26. Pathways to shape the bioeconomy. Resources, 6(1), Författare: Priefer, C., Jörissen, J. and Frör, O., 2017. Kommentar: p.10.
  27. Fairtrade and sustainability: Motivations for Fairtrade certification among smallholder coffee growers in Tanzania. Sustainability, 10(5) Författare: Pyk, F. and Abu Hatab, A., 2018. Kommentar: p.1551.
  28. Bioeconomy in the Nordic region: Regional case studies. Nordic Centre for Spatial Development: Stockholm, Sweden Författare: Teräs, J., Johnsen, I.H., Lindberg, G., Perjo, L. and Giacometti, A., 2014. 1) Value distribution in conventional, organic and fair trade banana chains in the Dominican Republic. Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 32(3) Författare: Vagneron, I. and Roquigny, S., 2011. Kommentar: pp.324-338.
  29. Measuring supply chain performance. International journal of operations & production management, 19(3) Författare: Beamon, B.M., 1999. Kommentar: pp.275-292.


Kursen ges som en fristående kurs: Ja Kursen ges som en programkurs: Agrar ekonomi och företagsledning - masterprogram Kursavgift: Studieavgift, endast för medborgare utanför EU, EES, och Schweiz: 26165 SEK Nivå: Avancerad nivå (A1N)
Ämne: Företagsekonomi Företagsekonomi
Kurskod: FÖ0454 Anmälningskod: SLU-30183 Plats: Uppsala Distanskurs: Nej Undervisningsspråk: Engelska Ansvarig institution: Institutionen för ekonomi Studietakt: 100%