Consumer’s attitude and choices towards biotechnology

Senast ändrad: 06 november 2012

The study is to provide (i) an integrative overview of existing blindly social science research related to genetically modified plants and food products, covering psychological, economic, and selected agricultural issues as well as to (ii) Provide a set of studies related to the psychological foundations of attitudes and trust among members of the general public in their roles as consumers. The value to users of the planned work comes by ways of a commission of rigors research allowing for an in-depth understanding of the driving forces behind consumer attitudes and behaviors related to the use of agri-biotechnology for multi-functional food products. Results will be relevant to actors with the food value chain and in Particular in policy formation.

This study is part of Mistra Biotch interdisciplinary comprehensive research programme aiming to investigate the potential of Agricultural biotechnology in contributing to a more sustainable food production with less environmental impacts and more healthy products. In other words, the programme purpose is to realize the prospective of agri-biotechnology, if applied responsibly, on agri-food system competitiveness.

The overall aim of study is to perform in-depth studies of driving forces behind consumer attitudes and behaviors related to genetically modified foods (GMO) and comprises of three main tasks. This study titles tentatively as “consumer’s attitude and choices towards biotechnology”.
